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A general model of locomotion of brittle stars with a variable number of arms

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Title: A general model of locomotion of brittle stars with a variable number of arms
Authors: Wakita, Daiki Browse this author
Kagaya, Katsushi Browse this author
Aonuma, Hitoshi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: echinoderm
radial symmetry
movement coordination
escape direction
Bayesian statistical modelling
widely applicable information criterion
Issue Date: 8-Jan-2020
Publisher: Royal Society
Journal Title: Journal of the Royal Society interface
Volume: 17
Issue: 162
Start Page: 20190374
Publisher DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2019.0374
Abstract: Typical brittle stars have five radially symmetrical arms that coordinate to move the body in a certain direction. However, some species have a variable number of arms, which is a unique trait since intact animals normally have a fixed number of limbs. How does a single species manage different numbers of appendages for adaptive locomotion? We herein describe locomotion in Ophiactis brachyaspis with four, five, six and seven arms to propose a common rule for the movement of brittle stars with different numbers of arms. For this, we mechanically stimulated one arm of individuals to analyse escape direction and arm movement. By gathering quantitative indices and employing Bayesian statistical modelling, we noted a pattern: regardless of the total number of arms, an anterior position emerges at one of the second neighbouring arms to a mechanically stimulated arm, while arms adjacent to the anterior one synchronously work as left and right rowers. We propose a model in which an afferent signal runs clockwise or anticlockwise along the nerve ring while linearly counting how many arms it passes through. With this model, the question on how 'left and right' emerges in a radially symmetrical body via a decentralized system is answered.
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:電子科学研究所 (Research Institute for Electronic Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 青沼 仁志

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