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Among the water-soluble vitamins, dietary intakes of vitamins C, B-2 and folate are associated with the reduced risk of diabetes in Japanese women but not men

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Title: Among the water-soluble vitamins, dietary intakes of vitamins C, B-2 and folate are associated with the reduced risk of diabetes in Japanese women but not men
Authors: Eshak, Ehab S. Browse this author
Iso, Hiroyasu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Muraki, Isao Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Tamakoshi, Akiko Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Journal Title: British journal of nutrition
Volume: 121
Issue: 12
Start Page: 1357
End Page: 1364
Publisher DOI: 10.1017/S000711451900062X
Abstract: Recent studies have shown that micronutrients are involved in the pathology of type 2 diabetes. Antioxidant effects of vitamins C and B-2 and homocysteine-lowering effects of vitamins B-6, folate and B-12 may have protective roles. However, a few reports have investigated the association between dietary water-soluble vitamin intakes and risk of diabetes. In a prospective study encompassing 19 168 healthy Japanese men and women aged 40-79 years, we examined the associations between dietary intakes of water-soluble vitamins, determined by a validated self-administered FFQ, with the risk of 5-year cumulative incidence of type 2 diabetes by using the logistic regression model. Within the 5-year period, there were 494 self-reported new cases of diabetes. Higher dietary intakes of vitamins C, B-2 and folate were associated with lower risk of incident diabetes only in women, whereas no associations of dietary intakes of vitamins B-1, B-3, B-5, B-6 and B-12 were observed in either sex. The multivariable OR in the highest v. the lowest quartile of intakes among women were 0.61(95 % CI 0.44, 0.94; P-trend = 0.04) for vitamin C, 0.56 (95 % CI 0.34, 0.93; P-trend = 0.03) for vitamin B-2 and 0.70 (95 % CI 0.46, 0.98; P-trend = 0.03) for folate. Other than that for sex (P < 0.05), the P-interactions with age, BMI, smoking status or having a family history of diabetes were >0.10. In conclusion, higher dietary intakes of vitamins C, B-2 and folate, but not other water-soluble vitamins, were associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese women.
Rights: © The Authors 2019
Type: article
Appears in Collections:医学院・医学研究院 (Graduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 玉腰 暁子

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