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Draft Genome Sequence of Leishmania tarentolae Parrot Tar II, Obtained by Single-Molecule Real-Time Sequencing

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Title: Draft Genome Sequence of Leishmania tarentolae Parrot Tar II, Obtained by Single-Molecule Real-Time Sequencing
Authors: Goto, Yasuyuki Browse this author
Kuroki, Akihiro Browse this author
Suzuki, Kengo Browse this author
Yamagishi, Junya Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: 21-May-2020
Publisher: American Society for Microbiology
Journal Title: Microbiology resource announcements
Volume: 9
Issue: 21
Start Page: e00050-20
Publisher DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00050-20
Abstract: Leishmania tarentolae is a protozoan parasite of lizards and is nonpathogenic to mammals. Genome information for the nonpathogenic species will facilitate an understanding of the pathology caused by species pathogenic to mammals. Here, we report resequencing of the L. tarentolae genome with a single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencer to provide a more complete genome assembly.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:人獣共通感染症国際共同研究所 (International Institute for Zoonosis Control) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)
国際連携研究教育局 : GI-CoRE (Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education : GI-CoRE) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

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