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Leaf defense capacity of Japanese elm (Ulmus davidiana var. japonica) seedlings subjected to a nitrogen loading and insect herbivore dynamics in a free air ozone-enriched environment

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Title: Leaf defense capacity of Japanese elm (Ulmus davidiana var. japonica) seedlings subjected to a nitrogen loading and insect herbivore dynamics in a free air ozone-enriched environment
Authors: Sugai, Tetsuto Browse this author
Okamoto, Shota Browse this author
Agathokleous, Evgenios Browse this author
Masui, Noboru Browse this author
Satoh, Fuyuki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Koike, Takayoshi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Japanese elm
Elevated ozone
Nitrogen deposition
Insect dynamics
Issue Date: 16-Dec-2019
Publisher: Springer
Journal Title: Environmental science and pollution research
Volume: 27
Issue: 3
Start Page: 3350
End Page: 3360
Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06918-w
Abstract: Japanese elm (Ulmus davidiana var. japonica) is a native species in cool-temperate forests in Japan. We investigated growth, physiological reactions, and leaf defense capacity of Japanese elm seedlings under nitrogen (N) loading (45.3 kg N ha⁻¹ year⁻¹) and seasonal insect dynamics in a free-air ozone (O₃)-enriched environment (about 54.5 nmol O₃ mol⁻¹) over a growing season. Higher leaf N content and lower condensed tannin content in the presence of N loading and lower condensed tannin content in elevated O₃ were observed, suggesting that both N loading and elevated O₃ decreased the leaf defense capacity and that N loading further enhanced the leaf quality as food resource of insect herbivores. Two major herbivores were observed on the plants, elm leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta maculicollis) and elm sawfly (Arge captiva). The peak number of observed insects was decreased by N loading. Visible foliar injury caused by N loading might directly induce the reduction of number of the observed elm sawfly individuals. While elevated O₃ slightly suppressed the chemical defense capacity, significantly lower number of elm leaf beetle was observed in elevated O₃. We conclude that N loading and elevated O₃ can alter not only the leaf defense capacity of Japanese elm seedlings but also the dynamics of elm leaf beetle and sawfly herbivores.
Rights: This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research. The final authenticated version is available online at:
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:農学院・農学研究院 (Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 小池 孝良

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