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Plasmon-induced electron injection into the large negative potential conduction band of Ga2O3 for coupling with water oxidation

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Title: Plasmon-induced electron injection into the large negative potential conduction band of Ga2O3 for coupling with water oxidation
Authors: Wang, Yaguang Browse this author
Shi, Xu Browse this author
Oshikiri, Tomoya Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Zu, Shuai Browse this author
Ueno, Kosei Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Misawa, Hiroaki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: 28-Nov-2020
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Journal Title: Nanoscale
Volume: 12
Issue: 44
Start Page: 22674
End Page: 22679
Publisher DOI: 10.1039/d0nr06319c
Abstract: In this study, an interfacial modification layer was applied to improve the plasmon-induced light energy conversion of a gallium(iii) oxide (Ga2O3) photoelectrode, which possesses a much more negative conduction band potential compared with the reduction potential of photons to hydrogen. The plasmon-induced photocurrent generation under visible light irradiation was observed with Au nanoparticle-loaded Ga2O3 (Au-NPs/Ga2O3). An interfacial modification was carried out by depositing a titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin-film layer on Au-NPs/Ga(2)O(3)via atomic layer deposition. Since the surface states of TiO2 possess excellent hole-trapping ability, this interfacial modification remarkably improved the generation of plasmon-induced photocurrent in the visible region. The photoelectric conversion efficiency of interfacially modified Au-NPs/Ga2O3 showed a TiO2 thin-film thickness dependence because the migration of hot carriers was suppressed with increasing TiO2 thickness. The Au-NPs/Ga2O3 photoelectrode modified with 2 nm-thick TiO2 showed the best photoelectric conversion performance, and the thermodynamic energy conversion efficiency under irradiation with 600 nm light was approximately two times larger than that of the Au-NPs/TiO2-thin film due to the extremely negative onset potential of Au-NPs/Ga2O3 with TiO2. Therefore, the plasmonic Ga2O3 photoanode with the interfacial TiO2 modification could provide both a high reduction ability for H-2 evolution and an oxidation ability for water oxidation, because of the negative conduction band of Ga2O3 and the hole-trapping property from TiO2, respectively.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:電子科学研究所 (Research Institute for Electronic Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

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