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Antarctic Slope Current Modulates Ocean Heat Intrusions Towards Totten Glacier

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Title: Antarctic Slope Current Modulates Ocean Heat Intrusions Towards Totten Glacier
Authors: Nakayama, Yoshihiro Browse this author
Greene, Chad A. Browse this author
Paolo, Fernando S. Browse this author
Mensah, Vigan Browse this author
Zhang, Hong Browse this author
Kashiwase, Haruhiko Browse this author
Simizu, Daisuke Browse this author
Greenbaum, Jamin S. Browse this author
Blankenship, Donald D. Browse this author
Abe-Ouchi, Ayako Browse this author
Aoki, Shigeru Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Southern Ocean
ice shelf
ocean heat intrusions
Antarctic slope current
ocean modeling
ice shelf-ocean interaction
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2021
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Journal Title: Geophysical research letters
Volume: 48
Issue: 17
Start Page: e2021GL094149
Publisher DOI: 10.1029/2021GL094149
Abstract: The Totten ice shelf (TIS) in East Antarctica has received increasing attention in recent years due to high basal melt rates, which have been linked to a presence of warm modified Circumpolar Deep Water (mCDW) observed at the ice front. We show that mCDW on-shelf intrusions towards the TIS strengthen when the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC) weakens. This demonstrates that the ASC has a blocking effect and ASC weakening leads to on-shelf intrusions, as proposed by previous observational studies. The interannual variability of the ASC is controlled primarily by atmospheric and oceanic conditions beyond our regional model domain. We further show that heat intrusions onto the continental shelf off the TIS are not influenced by off-shelf warming but are enhanced with coastal freshening, suggesting positive feedback whereby ice melt and freshening upstream could start a chain reaction, leading to increased melt, and further coastal freshening.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:低温科学研究所 (Institute of Low Temperature Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

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