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Discovery of bacteria producing a novel cycloisomaltotetraose and identification of novel enzymes involved in cycloisomaltotetraose prodciton and metabolism pathway [an abstract of entire text]

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Title: Discovery of bacteria producing a novel cycloisomaltotetraose and identification of novel enzymes involved in cycloisomaltotetraose prodciton and metabolism pathway [an abstract of entire text]
Other Titles: 新規シクロイソマルトテトラオースを生産する微生物の発見とシクロイソマルトテトラオース生成・代謝経路に関与する新規酵素の同定 [全文の要約]
Authors: 藤田, 章弘 Browse this author
Issue Date: 26-Sep-2022
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Description: この博士論文全文の閲覧方法については、以下のサイトをご参照ください。
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Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 乙第7160号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 農学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 森 春英, 教授 奥山 正幸, 教授 吹谷 智, 准教授 佐分利 亘
Degree Affiliation: 農学院(農学専攻)
Type: theses (doctoral - abstract of entire text)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (農学)
論文博士 (Doctorate by way of Dissertation) > 農学院(Graduate School of Agriculture)

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