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Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium avium clinical isolates from Japan and development of diagnostic tools

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Title: Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium avium clinical isolates from Japan and development of diagnostic tools
Other Titles: 日本の臨床分離トリ型結核菌株の遺伝子解析と診断法開発
Authors: Akapelwa, Mwangala Lonah1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): アカペルワ, ムワンガラ・ロナー1
Issue Date: 24-Mar-2022
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第15050号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 感染症学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 中島 千絵, 教授 東 秀明, 教授 鈴木 定彦, 准教授 磯田 典和
Degree Affiliation: 国際感染症学院(感染症学専攻)
(Relation)haspart: Mwangala Lonah Akapelwa, Thoko Flav Kapalamula, Yuki Ouchi-Aizu, Bernard Mudenda Hang'ombe, Yukiko Nishiuchi, Stephen V. Gordon, Eddie Samuneti Solo, Aki Tamaru, Tomoyasu Nishimura, Naoki Hasegawa, Kozo Morimoto, Yukari Fukushima, Yasuhiko Suzuki, Chie Nakajima. Evaluation of IS1245 LAMP in Mycobacterium avium and the influence of host-related genetic diversity on its application. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Volume 101, Issue 4, 2021, 115494.
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (感染症学)
課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 国際感染症学院(Graduate School of Infectious Diseases)

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