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Taxonomic studies on Hydrophilidae and other coleoptera residing in temporally limited heterotrophic systems

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Title: Taxonomic studies on Hydrophilidae and other coleoptera residing in temporally limited heterotrophic systems
Other Titles: 腐敗・分解有機物環境に生息する甲虫類の分類学的研究
Authors: SUZUMURA, ALYSSA LEE Browse this author
Issue Date: 26-Sep-2022
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Abstract: Heterotrophic habitats, including decaying vegetation, dung, and carrion, act as nutritionally rich but temporally limited habitats in which various organisms function in the process of decomposition. The breakdown of detritus is necessary for mass removal and nutrient cycling and different species of insects, fungi, etc. play special roles in this process. Terrestrial hydrophilid beetles tend to specialize in such habitats and play roles in breaking up and consuming detritus and predating on fly larvae and other soft bodied invertebrates. Since a single microhabitat can contain many species of these rather small beetles, their identification can be difficult and many groups require taxonomic revision. This thesis consists of taxonomic studies on several groups of hydrophilid beetles (Coleoptera: family Hydrophilidae) living in decaying organic material with an additional section on other beetles living in decaying material on beaches. The members of the genus Sphaeridium occurring in Europe and Asia are revised with descriptions of two previously undescribed species, Sphaeridium sp.1 and S. sp.2, one new synonymy of S. reticulatum into S. severini, sixteen new country and ten new regional records (S. bipustulatum from China, India, and Pakistan; S. dimidiatum from Cambodia and Laos and Halmahera, Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Ternate, and West Timur in Indonesia; S. discolor from Malaysia and Nepal and Kyushu, Japan and Queensland, Australia; S. marginatum from China; S. quinquemaculatum from Bhutan, Guam, and Laos; S. seriatum from Japan; S. severini from Thailand and Quangxi, China and Flores and Sulawesi, Indonesia, S. substriatum from North Korea; S. vitalisi from China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and Taiwan). Members of the beach dwelling species of Cercyon from the Pacific region are also comprehensively revised with an analysis of the characters of the female genitalia and metafurca for diagnostic purposes. Keys, illustrations, habitus photos, and SEM are included for both Sphaeridium and Cercyon revisions. Hydrophilids collected from a fallen nest of the giant Asian honeybee Apis dorsata dorsata from Bogor Botanical Garden, Java, Indonesia, are also identified and analyzed taxonomically with habitus photos of all species and SEM images and genitalia illustrations for species lacking recent taxonomic treatment. One new country record for Protosternum hainanensis and two new regional records for Noteropagus obliquus and N. occlusus are included. Additionally, a new record of the Byrrhid genus Microchaetes (Coleoptera: Byrrhidae) from Japan with habitus photographs and genitalia illustrations and a revision of the Pacific tenebrionid genus Phaleromela (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) are included. The three confirmed species of Phaleromela are redescribed with habitus photos, SEM images, and genitalia illustrations along with a key to species.
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第15151号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 農学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 大原 昌宏, 教授 荒木 仁志, 准教授 吉澤 和徳, 助教 首藤 光太郎
Degree Affiliation: 農学院(農学専攻)
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (農学)
課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 農学院(Graduate School of Agriculture)

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