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Key factors affecting the pozzolanic reaction of steel slag-dredged soil mixtures : From inorganic and organic perspectives

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Title: Key factors affecting the pozzolanic reaction of steel slag-dredged soil mixtures : From inorganic and organic perspectives
Other Titles: 浚渫土-製鋼スラグ混合土のポゾラン反応の鍵となる影響因子 : 特に無機・有機の観点から
Authors: 戸田, 賀奈子1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Toda, Kanako1
Keywords: Steel slag
Dredged soil
Amorphous silica
Humic acid
Geochemical model
soil organic matters
strength inhibition
pozzolanic reaction
reaction inhibition
formation threshold
marine dredged sediment
calcium silicate hydrate
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2021
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第14452号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 工学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 佐藤 努, 教授 廣吉 直樹, 教授 杉山 隆文, 准教授 大竹 翼, 准教授 西村 聡
Degree Affiliation: 工学院(環境循環システム専攻)
(Relation)haspart: Toda, Kanako., Sato, Haruna., Weerakoon, Nilan., Otake, Tsubasa., Nishimura, Satoshi., and Sato, Tsutomu. (2018). Key Factors Affecting Strength Development of Steel Slag-Dredged Soil Mixtures. Minerals. 8, 5: 174
Weerakoon, Nilan Ranjana., Nishimura, Satoshi., Sato, Haruna., Toda, Kanako., Sato, Tsutomu., Arai, Yu. (2020). Stiffness and strength mobilisation in steel-slag-mixed dredged clays in early curing. Ground Improvement. 173, 2: 65-81.
Toda, Kanako., Kikuchi, Ryosuke., Otake, Tsubasa., Nishimura, Satoshi., Akashi, Yuzoh., Aimoto, Michihiro., Kokado, Takeshi., and Sato, Tsutomu. (2020). Effect of Soil Organic Matters in Dredged Soils to Utilization of their Mixtures Made with a Steel Slag. Materials. 13, 23: 5450.
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (工学)
課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 工学院(Graduate School of Engineering)

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