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Evaluation of cortical bone remodeling in canines treated with daily and weekly administrations of teriparatide by establishing AI-driven morphometric analyses and GIS-based spatial mapping

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Title: Evaluation of cortical bone remodeling in canines treated with daily and weekly administrations of teriparatide by establishing AI-driven morphometric analyses and GIS-based spatial mapping
Other Titles: AI駆動型形態計測とGISを用いた空間マッピング法の確立によるテリパラチドを連日または週1回投与したイヌ皮質骨リモデリングの評価
Authors: 沼端, 麻里絵1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): 星, 麻里絵1
Hoshi-Numahata, Marie1
Keywords: Teriparatide
Cortical bone
Haversian canal
Artificial intelligence
Geographical information system
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2024
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Abstract: Larger animal models with a well-developed Haversian system, as observed in humans, are ideal to analyze cortical bone remodeling in pharmacological studies of anti-osteoporosis drugs, although they have some limi-tations in controlling individual variability in size, weight, age, and number. This study aimed to morphomet-rically analyze cortical bone remodeling focusing on Haversian canals in dogs using four regimens of TPTD with daily and weekly administrations at lower and higher weekly doses (4.9 μg/kg/week and 19.8 μg/kg/week,respectively) for 9 months. A micro-computed tomography-based analysis showed no significant differences among regimen groups. By establishing artificial intelligence (AI)-driven morphometric analyses and geographical information system (GIS)-based spatial mapping of Haversian canals that does not require confocal microscopy but is possible with more commonly used wide field microscopes, we successfully observed signif-icant morphometric distinctions among regimens applied even in dogs. Our analytical results suggested that the daily higher regimen specifically increased the number of eroded pores creating spaces between existing canals,thus stimulating cortical bone remodeling.
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第15937号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 歯学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 飯村 忠浩, 教授 網塚 憲生, 教授 佐藤 嘉晃
Degree Affiliation: 歯学院(口腔医学専攻)
Rights: Ⓒ2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
(Relation)isversionof: Bone Rep. 2023 Oct 12;19:101720.
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (歯学)
課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 歯学院(Graduate School of Dental Medicine)

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