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Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture >
北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics >
第77集 >

ミニトマト産地における新規参入者の継続的確保に繋がる要因 : 北海道仁木町及び新ひだか町静内地区を事例として

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Title: ミニトマト産地における新規参入者の継続的確保に繋がる要因 : 北海道仁木町及び新ひだか町静内地区を事例として
Other Titles: Factors That Lead to Continuous Recruitment of Newcomers in Cherry Tomato Production Areas : A Case Study of Niki Town and Shinhidaka Town Shizunai District, Hokkaido
Authors: 菊池, 敬太1 Browse this author
東山, 寛2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Kikuchi, Keita1
Higashiyama, Kan2
Keywords: Newcomer
Protected horticulture
System for acceptance
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2024
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院農学研究院
Journal Title: 北海道大学農經論叢
Journal Title(alt): The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics, Hokkaido University
Volume: 77
Start Page: 15
End Page: 23
Abstract: In this paper, we clarify the state of support for newcomers in Niki Town and Shizunai District, Hokkaido, and consider the factors that have made it possible to continuously secure newcomers in both areas. While the two regions have many common elements as cherry tomato producing areas, there were differences in training environments, acceptance requirements, and support systems, such as subsidies. The following were found as common factors in both regions: (1) brand power as a cherry tomato production area, (2) a system for accepting newcomers by various institutions and mentor farmers, (3) substantial financial support, (4) the existence of communal grading facilities, (5) a comfortable living environment, and (6) a track record of newcomers. In addition to being a large production area, Niki Town is characterized by having few restrictions on acceptance, and the Shizunai District is characterized by the preparation of training facilities and a wide range of support systems. These characteristics are also considered to have an impact on securing newcomers in both areas. In addition, how agricultural products and acceptance requirements are packaged is also an important factor.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics > 第77集

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