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Study on Synthesis and Properties of Thermo-Responsive Lamellar Hydrogels

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Title: Study on Synthesis and Properties of Thermo-Responsive Lamellar Hydrogels
Other Titles: 熱応答性層状ハイドロゲルの合成と特性に関する研究
Authors: 韓, 陽 Browse this author
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2024
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Abstract: A thermo-responsive anisotropic photonic hydrogel: poly(dodecyl glyceryl itaconate)/polyacrylamide-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel (PDGI/PAAm-PNIPAM hydrogel) has been reported. Hydrogels with uniaxially aligned lamellar bilayers possess bright structural color and swelling anisotropy, while PNIPAM-based hydrogels exhibit distinct thermo-responsive properties around a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). Hybridization of thermo-responsive PNIPAM with the lamellarhydrogel can give the anisotropic photonic hydrogel with various fascinating thermo-responsive properties, such as structural color/turbid transition, thermo-responsive structural color, and anisotropic deswelling/reswelling behavior by temperature stimuli. The temperature-induced change in turbidity, structural color, and anisotropic swelling of the gel around LCST can be tuned by controlling the incorporated PNIPAM density. PNIPAM can be regioselectively incorporated into the specific region of the lamellar hydrogels by photomasking during UV polymerization. The PDGI/PAAm-PNIPAM hydrogel can find diverse promising applications, such as smart windows and smart displays.
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第15795号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: ソフトマター科学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 グン チェンピン, 教授 黒川 孝幸, 准教授 中島 祐, 教授 居城 邦治
Degree Affiliation: 生命科学院(ソフトマター専攻)
(Relation)haspart: Yang Han, Yunzhou Guo, Tasuku Nakajima and Jian Ping Gong. Thermoresponsive Lamellar Hydrogels with Tunable Turbidity, Structural Color, and Anisotropic Swelling. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 49, 57687–57698.
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 生命科学院(Graduate School of Life Science)
学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (ソフトマター科学)

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