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Revision of the leaf-mining jewel beetle tribe Tracheini from Japan (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae), with notes on the morphology-based phylogeny of genera and species

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Title: Revision of the leaf-mining jewel beetle tribe Tracheini from Japan (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae), with notes on the morphology-based phylogeny of genera and species
Other Titles: 日本産潜葉性チビタマムシ族の分類学的再検討および形態に基づく属ならびに種の系統について
Authors: 瑤寺, 裕 Browse this author
Issue Date: 23-Mar-2023
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Abstract: This thesis revised the taxonomy of Japanese Tracheini (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Aglirinae) based on morphological information and contributed to the morphology and biology for leaf-mining jewel beetles thorough detailed morphological observations, cladistic analyses, and investigations of host associations. General morphology of Trachys and Habroloma are described in detail and their diagnoses are revised. In addition, their biological information, especially on the leaf-mining habit, is reviewed. Species diagnostic characters for each genus are also reviewed, with some newly proposed useful characters for their species identifications. To systematically classifying them, species- group concepts are tentatively proposed for Japanese species of the two genera, respectively. So far, two genera, Trachys Fabricius, 1801 and Habroloma Thomson, 1864, and 32 species of Tracheini are recorded from Japan. In Japanese Trachys, nineteen species in seven tentative species-groups, including five junior synonyms, are recognized: group I) T. minutus (Linnaeus, 1758) (= T. minutus salicis (Lewis, 1893) syn. nov.), T. inconspicuus Saunders, 1873, T. pseudoscrobiculatus Obenberger, 1940, T. ineditus Saunders, 1873, T. tsushimae Obenberger, 1922, and T. broussonetiae Kurosawa, 1976; group II) T. auricollis Saunders, 1873 and T. toringoi Kurosawa, 1951; group III) T. saundersi Lewis, 1893 (= T. cuneiferus Kurosawa, 1959 syn. nov.), T. cupricolor Saunders, 1873, T. pecirkai Obenberger, 1926, and T. aurifluus Solsky,1875; group IV) T. reitteri Obenberger, 1930 (= T. lushanensis Peng, 2021 syn. nov.); group V) T. tokyoensis Obenberger, 1940 (= T. ovalis Peng 2021 syn. nov. and T. aureoles Peng, 2021 syn. nov.); group VI) T. griseofasciatus Saunders, 1873 and T. yanoi Kurosawa, 1959; and group VII) T. variolaris Saunders, 1873, T. robustus Saunders, 1873, and T. dilaticeps Gebhardt, 1929. A new key and biological information (adult foods, hosts, and leaf- mining habits) are provided. Twenty-five plant species in ten families are recognized as hosts (five new host records). In Japanese Habroloma, two subgenus, Habroloma and Parahabroloma Kurosawa, 1959 are so far recorded from Japan. In this study, eleven species and three subspecies in three species-groups (for Parahabroloma species), including one undescribed species, two undescribed subspecies, one junior synonym, and one removed species, are recognized: H. (H.) bifrons (Kiesenwetter, 1879); group I) H. (P.) eximium eximium (Lewis, 1893), H. (P.) eximium eupoetum (Obenberger, 1929) (= H. (P.) liukiuense (Obenberger, 1940) syn. nov.), H. (P.) eximium subsp. 1 (= H. (P.) liukiuense sensu ii Kurosawa, 1976), and H. (P.) griseonigrum (Saunders, 1873); group II) H. (P.) lewisii (Saunders, 1873), H. (P.) nixilla inslicola Kurosawa, 1959, and H. (P.) yuasai Kurosawa, 1976; group III) H. (P.) subbicorne (Motschulsky, 1860), H. (P.) marginicolle, H. (P.) asahinai asahinai Kurosawa, 1959, H. (P.) asahinai subsp. 1, and H. (P.) sp. 1; and removed species, H. (P.) atronitidum Gebhardt, 1929. A new key and biological information (adult foods, hosts, and leaf-mining habits) are provided. Fourteen plant species in six families are recognized as hosts (nine new host records). Phylogenetic relationships among genera of Tracheini and between species in Japanese Trachys and Habroloma are investigated using cladistic analyses based on morphology. The polyphyly of Tracheini and the monophyly of each subtribe are indicated. In the subtribe Tracheina, Trachys and Habroloma are recognized as a monophyletic genus, respectively. Sixteen character states (including three doubtful one) are useful to distinguish the two genera and autapomorphic character states are estimated: the delimitation of the basistipes and palpifer reduced in Trachys; the female coxites with the dorsal projections of baculi in Trachys; and the prosternum with transverse grooves above procoxal cavities in Habroloma. In the Japanese Trachys, the monophyly of the tentative species-groups III, IV, V, and VII and the paraphyly of the group I, II, VI are indicated. In addition, two additional species-groups consisted of Taiwanese species are estimated. It is needed improvements of species-group concepts: the additional divisions of group I; the assignment changing of T. toringoi to the estimated additional group; and the integration of group VI and VII. Host associations of Japanese Trachys suggest that host shifts to distant plant families are contributed to the speciation of this genus. In the Japanese Habroloma, the monophyly of the tentative species-group I and II and the polyphyly of the group III are indicated. It is needed the assignment changing of H. (Parahabroloma) sp.1 to the group II and improvements of the species-group concepts. Host associations of Japanese Habroloma suggest the following two hypotheses: 1) host shifts to distant plant families are contributed to the speciation of the members of group I and II; and 2) other factors (e. g. geographic isolation) are contributed to the speciation of the revised group III, of which species are exclusively associated with Rubus plants.
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第15302号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 農学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 大原 昌宏, 教授 冨士田 裕子, 准教授 吉澤 和徳, 助教 松村 洋子
Degree Affiliation: 農学院(農学専攻)
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (農学)
課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 農学院(Graduate School of Agriculture)

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