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インド哲学仏教学論集 = Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism

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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)小林, 守中観派の"帰謬の反転"をめぐるケードゥプの所説mKhas-grub's Explanation on the Mādhyamika Topic "thal bzlog"インド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)Chung, Jin-ilSanskrit Fragments Corresponding to Sūtra 481 of the Za-ahan-jing『雑阿含経』第481経の梵文断片インド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)林寺, 正俊『三法度論』の基礎的研究 : スートラの判別と内容梗概A Basic Study of the San fa du lun 三法度論 : Vasubhadra's Sūtras and Their Synopsisインド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)沼田, 一郎『実利論』におけるdharmaとdharmanDharma and dharman in the Kauṭilya's Arthaśāstraインド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Mar-2016
bulletin (article)細田, 典明『雑阿含』道品念処相応Smṛtyupasthāna-saṃyukta of the Mārgavarga, Saṃyuktāgamaインド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Oct-2014
bulletin (article)山畑, 倫志『ハリセーナチャリウ』1.1-5 校訂と翻訳Hariseṇacariu 1.1-5, an Apabhraṃśa Text and Japanese Translationインド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Oct-2014
bulletin (article)松田, 和信倶舎論註釈書「真実義」の梵文写本とその周辺A Sanskrit Manuscript of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya-ṭīkā Tattvārthāインド哲学仏教学論集Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism31-Oct-2014
bulletin (article)藤井, 教公元暁『涅槃宗要』訳注(一)Niepan-zongyao : Translation and Notes (1)インド哲学仏教学論集Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism25-Mar-2012
bulletin (article)坂本, 道生「方等懺法」順於涅槃の十種心と『慈悲水懺法』七種心The Ten Mental Atitudes toward Nirvāṇa in "Fang-deng-chan-fa" and the Seven Mental Atitudes in Ci-bei-shui-chan-faインド哲学仏教学論集Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism25-Mar-2012

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