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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)BAILEY, Kevin M.; MERATI, Nazila; HELSER, Michael; HIRAMATSU, Naoshi; HARA, AkihikoDevelopmental Changes in Egg Yolk Proteins of Walleye Pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, and a Comparative Study of Immunoreactivity of Other North Pacific Teleosts and Invertebrate Eggs-北海道大学水産科学研究彙報BULLETIN OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYDec-2002
article (author version)Nagata, Jun; Mushirobira, Yuji; Nishimiya, Osamu; Yamaguchi, You; Fujita, Toshiaki; Hiramatsu, Naoshi; Hara, Akihiko; Todo, TakashiHepatic estrogen-responsive genes relating to oogenesis in cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) : The transcriptional induction in primary cultured hepatocytes and the in vitro promoter transactivation in responses to estradiol-17 beta-General and Comparative Endocrinology-1-Sep-2021
article (author version)Hiramatsu, Naoshi; Matsubara, Takahiro; Fujita, Toshiaki; Sullivan, Craig V.; Hara, AkihikoMultiple piscine vitellogenins : biomarkers of fish exposure to estrogenic endocrine disruptors in aquatic environments-Marine Biology-Apr-2006
article (author version)Tanaka, Hanae; Oishi, Gakuto; Nakano, Yusuke; Mizuta, Hiroko; Nagano, Yuta; Hiramatsu, Naoshi; Ando, Hironori; Shimizu, MunetakaProduction of recombinant salmon insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 subtypes-General and Comparative Endocrinology-1-Feb-2018
article (author version)Shimomura, Takahiro; Nakajima, Takuro; Horikoshi, Moeri; Iijima, Anai; Urabe, Hirokazu; Mizuno, Shinya; Hiramatsu, Naoshi; Hara, Akihiko; Shimizu, MunetakaRelationships between gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and endocrine and local insulin-like growth factor-I levels during smoltification of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou)-General and Comparative Endocrinology-1-Sep-2012
bulletin (article)HIRAMATSU, Naoshi; FUKADA, Haruhisa; SULLIVAN, Craig V.; HARA, AkihikoSimple and Sensitive Detection of Vitellogenin Receptor(s) in Sakhalin Taimen (Hucho perryi)-北海道大学水産科学研究彙報BULLETIN OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYMar-2001
bulletin (article)深田, 陽久; 玄, 浩一郎; 平松, 尚志; 浦, 和寛; 原, 彰彦シロサケ(Oncorhynchus keta)成長ホルモンの精製Simple Purification of Growth Hormone from Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYDec-1996
bulletin (article)西田, 弘子; 榎田, 剛; 平松, 尚志; 原, 彰彦; 吉水, 守ヒラメ(Paralichthys olivaceus)血清中の免疫グロブリン(IgM)の精製Purification of Immunoglobulin M(IgM) in Serum of Japanese Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYDec-1998
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University