Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Steffan, Shawn A.; Dharampal, Prarthana S.; Danforth, Bryan N.; Gaines-Day, Hannah R.; Takizawa, Yuko; Chikaraishi, Yoshito | Omnivory in Bees: Elevated Trophic Positions among All Major Bee Families | - | American naturalist | - | 1-Sep-2019 |
article | Furukawa, Yoshihiro; Iwasa, Yoshinari; Chikaraishi, Yoshito | Synthesis of C-13-enriched amino acids with C-13-depleted insoluble organic matter in a formose-type reaction in the early solar system | - | Science advances | - | 28-Apr-2021 |
bulletin (other) | 力石, 嘉人; 布浦, 拓郎; 古川, 善博 | はじめに | - | 低温科学 | Low Temperature Science | 20-Mar-2021 |
bulletin (article) | 力石, 嘉人 | アミノ酸の安定同位体比を用いた生態系解析 | Food webs viewed via stable nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids | 低温科学 | Low Temperature Science | 20-Mar-2021 |
bulletin (article) | 布浦, 拓郎; 力石, 嘉人; 跡見, 晴幸 | マルチオミクス解析による好熱性水素酸化細菌からの可逆的TCA 回路の発見 | A primordial and reversible TCA cycle in a facultatively chemolithoautotrophic thermophile revealed by multi-omics | 低温科学 | Low Temperature Science | 20-Mar-2021 |
bulletin (article) | 滝沢, 侑子; 力石, 嘉人 | 安定同位体の天然存在量および安定同位体標識の検出法─1 : ガスクロマトグラフ-同位体比質量分析計 | Stable isotope analysis-1 : gas chromatograph-isotope ratio mass spectrometer | 低温科学 | Low Temperature Science | 20-Mar-2021 |
bulletin (article) | 力石, 嘉人; 滝沢, 侑子; 布浦, 拓郎 | 安定同位体の天然存在量および安定同位体標識の検出法─2 : ガスクロマトグラフ-質量分析計とMassWorks | Stable isotope analysis -1: MassWorks on conventional gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer | 低温科学 | Low Temperature Science | 20-Mar-2021 |
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7