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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)條野, 真奈美; 小林, 由美; 浅沼, 武敏; 坪田, 敏男; 桜井, 泰憲胎子期におけるトド (Eumetopias jubatus) の成長様式と形態的特徴Allometric growth and morphology of Steller sea lion fetuses北海道大学水産科学研究彙報Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University28-Mar-2012
bulletin (article)小林, 由美; 條野, 真奈美; 後藤, 陽子; 服部, 薫; 桜井, 泰憲渡島半島日本海沿岸における海生哺乳類,特に鰭脚類の出現と漁業被害The Occurrence of Pinnipeds and Fishery Conflict records in the Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido, Sea of Japan北海道大学水産科学研究彙報Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University26-Dec-2011
conference presentation桜井, 泰憲サステナな沿岸漁業と海洋生態系の保全 : 知床を例として---9-Nov-2010
lectureСакурай, ЯсунориУстойчивое рыболовство на основе учёта базы экосистемы : На примере природного парка СИРЭТОКО (всемирное природное наследие)生態系ベースの持続的漁業 : 知床世界自然遺産を例として; Ecosystem-based sustainable fisheries of the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage--19-Jun-2008
article伊藤, 欣吾; 柳本, 卓; 岩田, 容子; 宗原, 弘幸; 桜井, 泰憲ミトコンドリアDNAの塩基配列分析によるヤリイカの遺伝的集団構造Genetic population structure of the spear squid Loligo bleekeri based on mitochondrial DNA日本水産学会誌-2006
article片倉, 靖次; 桜井, 泰憲; 吉田, 英雄; 西村, 明; 小西, 健志; 西山, 恒夫寄生性カイアシ類Haemobaphes dicerausおよびClavella perfidaがスケトウダラの成長・成熟におよぼす影響Influence of the parasitic copepod Haemobaphes diceraus and Clavella perfida on growth and maturity of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma日本水産学会誌-2004
article関河, 武史; 高橋, 豊美; 髙津, 哲也; 桜井, 泰憲北海道木古内湾におけるアイナメHexagrammos otakii雌の成熟Maturation of fat greenling Hexagrammos otakii females in Kikonai Bay, Hokkaido日本水産学会誌-2003
article山本, 潤; 明井, 崇子; Bower, John R.; 後藤, 常夫; 中村, 好和; 増田, 紳哉; 桜井, 泰憲スルメイカ幼生調査用ネットの網目による受精卵・ふ化幼生の保持状態の検討Net Mesh Retention of Japanese Common Squid Eggs and Paralarvae日本水産学会誌-2001
bulletin (article)髙木, 省吾; 桜井, 泰憲; 亀井, 佳彦; 明井, 崇子; 坂岡, 桂一郎; 志賀, 直信北太平洋東経155度線における夏季と秋季の海洋構造と表層性魚類・イカ類の分布Oceanographic Conditions and Distribution of Pelagic Nekton in the Northwestern North Pacific Ocean during the Summer and Fall in 1995 and 1996北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYAug-1997
article巣山, 哲; 桜井, 泰憲; 島崎, 健二夏季の中部北太平洋におけるサンマの成熟と日齢Maturation and age in days of Pacific saury Cololabis saira (Brevoort) in the central North Pacific Ocean during the summer日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries15-May-1996
article朴, 容石; 桜井, 泰憲; 飯田, 浩二; 向井, 徹スケトウダラの発音機構Mechanisms of sound production in walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas)日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries25-Mar-1995
article朴, 容石; 飯田, 浩二; 向井, 徹; 桜井, 泰憲スケトウダラの聴覚特性Auditory characteristics of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas)日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries25-Mar-1995
bulletin (article)朴, 容石; 桜井, 泰憲; 飯田, 浩二; 高橋, 豊美; 佐野, 満廣スケトウダラの性別と成熟状況および季節による発音筋重量の変化Variation in the Weight of the Drumming Muscles of Walleye Pollock with Sex, Sexual Maturity, and Season北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYNov-1994
article朴, 容石; 桜井, 泰憲; 向井, 徹; 飯田, 浩二; 佐野, 典達飼育下におけるスケトウダラの繁殖行動に伴う鳴音Sound production related to the reproductive behavior of captive walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas)日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries25-Jul-1994
article巣山, 哲; 桜井, 泰憲; 目黒, 敏美; 島崎, 健二中部北太平洋におけるサンマ Cololabis saira の耳石日周輪に基づく年齢と成長の推定Esimation of the age and growth of Pacific saury Cololabis saira in the central North Pacific Ocean determined by otolith daily growth increments日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries1992
article服部, 努; 桜井, 泰憲; 島崎, 健二マダラの耳石薄片法による年齢査定と成長様式Age determination by sectioning of otoliths and growth pattern of Pacific cod日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries1992
article池田, 譲; 桜井, 泰憲; 島崎, 健二雌スルメイカの成熟にともなう卵巣および付属生殖器官の発達についてDevelopment of female reproductive organs during sexual maturation in the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries1991
article池田, 譲; 桜井, 泰憲; 島崎, 健二雄スルメイカの成熟にともなう精巣および付属腺の発達についてDevelopment of male reproductive organs during sexual maturation in the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries1991
article吉田, 英雄; 桜井, 泰憲飼育下におけるスケトウダラ成魚の摂食量と成長Relationship between food consumption and growth of adult walleye pollock theragra chalcogramma in captivity日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries1984
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19


Hokkaido University