Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | Aeromonas salmonicidaのプロテアーゼ非産生株の病原性について | Pathogenicity of a Non-protease Secreting Strain of Aeromonas salmonicida | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | May-1987 |
article | 曽我部, 陽子; 田島, 研一; 田中, 礼士; 澤辺, 智雄; 絵面, 良男 | ウニ病害原因菌 Vibrio sp. の同定のための 16S rRNA 遺伝子を標的にした特異的 PCR の開発 | Development of 16S rRNA targeted PCR for the identification of Vibrio spp., the causative bacteria of the discase in cultured sea urchin Stronglylocentrotus intermedius occurring at low water temperatures | 日本水産学会誌 | Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries | 15-Mar-2002 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 高橋, 恒人; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | サケ科魚類せっそう病原因菌Aeromonas salmonicidaの産生する病因物質の検討-Ⅰ:A. salmonicida Ar-4 (EFDL)の産生するプロテアーゼの精製 | Studies on the Virulent Factors Produced by Aeromonas salmonicida, a Causative Agent of Furunculosis in Salmonidae-Ⅰ:Purification of the extracellular protease of Aeromonas salmonicida Ar-4 (EFDL) | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Jun-1983 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 高橋, 恒人; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | サケ科魚類せっそう病原因菌Aeromonas salmonicidaの産生する病因物質の検討-Ⅱ:A. salmonicida, Ar-4 (EFDL)の産生するプロテアーゼのヤマベ(Oncorhynchus masou f. ishikawai)及び金魚(Carassius auratus)に対する毒性の比較検討ならびに細胞毒性物質について | Studies on the Virulent Factors Produced by Aeromonas salmonicida, a Causative Agent of Furunculosis in Salmonidae-Ⅱ:Studies on the pathogenicity of the protease of Aeromonas salmonicida Ar-4 (EFDL) on yamabe (Oncorhynchus masou f. ishikawai) and goldfish | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Jun-1983 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | ビブリオ病原因菌の血清学的検討-Ⅱ:V. anguillarumのO血清型(J-O-4~J-O-8) | Serological Typing of Thermostable Antigens of V. anguillarum-Ⅱ:V. anguillarum O-serotypes (J-O-4~J-O-8) | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Aug-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | ビブリオ病原因菌の血清学的検討-Ⅰ:ビブリオ病原因菌のO血清型(J-O-1~J-O-3) | Serological Typing of Thermostable Antigens of V. anguillarum-Ⅰ:V. anguillarum O-serotypes (J-O-1~J-O-3) | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Aug-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | ビブリオ病原因菌の分類学的研究-Ⅰ:Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 8th ed. (1974)による分類上の位置の検討 | Studies on the Taxonomy of Causative Organisms of Fish Vibriosis-Ⅰ:Identification of the isolates according to Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 8th ed. (1974) | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Dec-1985 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 木村, 喬久 | ビブリオ病原因菌の分類学的研究-Ⅱ:数値分類法による検討 | Studies on the Taxonomy of Causative Organisms of Fish Vibriosis-Ⅱ:Examination of the representative strains by means of numerical taxonomy | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Dec-1985 |
article | 澤辺, 智雄; 成田, 幹夫; 田中, 礼士; 生地, 暢; 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男 | マコンブ穴あき症藻体からの Pseudoalteromonas elyakovii 菌株の分離 | Isolation of Pseudoalteromonas elyakovii Strains from Spot-Wounded Fronds of Laminaria japonica | 日本水産学会誌 | Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries | 15-Mar-2000 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 坂井, 稔 | 低温(5℃)貯蔵中における海水中の菌叢の変化 | Variation in the Bacterial Flora in Chill Stored Sea Water | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | May-1971 |
bulletin (article) | 田島, 研一; 絵面, 良男; 坂井, 稔 | 低温性海洋細菌の分離培養についての検討 | Procedure for the Isolation of Psychrophilic Marine Bacteria | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | May-1971 |