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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Hirata, Ryo; Takahashi, Megumu; Saga, Naotsune; Mikami, KojiTransient gene expression system established in Porphyra yezoensis is widely applicable in Bangiophycean algae-Marine Biotechnology-Oct-2011
article (author version)Hirata, Ryo; Jeong, Won-Joong; Saga, Naotsune; Mikami, KojiHeterologous activation of the Porphyra tenera HSP70 promoter in Bangiophycean algal cells-Bioengineered Bugs-2011
article (author version)Mikami, Koji; Li, Lin; Takahashi, Megumu; Saga, NaotsunePhotosynthesis-dependent Ca2+influx and functional diversity between phospholipases in the formation of cell polarity in migrating cells of red algae-Plant Signaling & Behavior-Sep-2009
articleLi, Lin; Saga, Naotsune; Mikami, KojiPhosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and asymmetrical accumulation of F-actin are necessary for establishment of cell polarity in the early development of monospores from the marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis-Journal of Experimental Botany-Oct-2008
bulletin (article)Saga, NaotsuneRegulation of Life Cycle in Epiphytic Brown Alga, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus-北海道大學理學部海藻研究所歐文報告Scientific papers of the Institute of Algological Research, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido UniversityNov-1986
bulletin (article)Sakai, Yoshio; Saga, NaotsuneThe Life Cycle of Pogotrichum yezoense (Dictyosiphonales, Phaeophyceae)-北海道大學理學部海藻研究所歐文報告Scientific papers of the Institute of Algological Research, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido UniversityJan-1981
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University