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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleUsuki, Seigo; Yasutake, Yoshiaki; Tamura, Noriko; Tamura, Tomohiro; Tanji, Kunikazu; Saitoh, Takashi; Murai, Yuta; Mikami, Daisuke; Yuyama, Kohei; Monde, Kenji; Mukai, Katsuyuki; Igarashi, YasuyukiNrp1 is Activated by Konjac Ceramide Binding-Induced Structural Rigidification of the a1a2 Domain-Cells-Feb-2020
articleFurukawa, Atsushi; Kakita, Kosuke; Yamada, Tomoki; Ishizuka, Mikihiro; Sakamoto, Jiro; Hatori, Nanao; Maeda, Naoyoshi; Ohsaka, Fumina; Saitoh, Takashi; Nomura, Takao; Kuroki, Kimiko; Nambu, Hisanori; Arase, Hisashi; Matsunaga, Shigeki; Anada, Masahiro; Ose, Toyoyuki; Hashimoto, Shunichi; Maenaka, KatsumiStructural and thermodynamic analyses reveal critical features of glycopeptide recognition by the human PILR alpha immune cell receptor-Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC)-22-Dec-2017
articleMori, Terutaka; Saitoh, TakashiFlood disturbance and predator-prey effects on regional gradients in species diversity-Ecology-Jan-2014
article (author version)Mori, Terutaka; Murakami, Masashi; Saitoh, TakashiLatitudinal gradients in stream invertebrate assemblages at a regional scale on Hokkaido Island, Japan-Freshwater Biology-Jul-2010
articleUeno, Mayumi; Kaji, Koichi; Saitoh, TakashiCulling Versus Density Effects in Management of a Deer Population-Journal of Wildlife Management-2010
articleUeno, Mayumi; Matsuishi, Takashi; Solberg, Erling Johan; Saitoh, TakashiApplication of Cohort Analysis to Large Terrestrial Mammal Harvest Data-Mammal Study-2009
proceedingsSaitoh, Takashi; de Guia, Anna Pauline; Kato, Yoshie; Maekawa, KojiTaxonomic, Genetic and Ecological Status of the Daikoku Vole-Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity : Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, held from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan-2008
articleUeno, Mayumi; Nishimura, Chiho; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Kaji, Koichi; Saitoh, TakashiFecal nitrogen as an index of dietary nitrogen in two sika deer Cervus nippon populations-Acta theriologica-2007
bulletin (article)齊藤, 隆野ねずみとササの相互作用についてBehavior of field mouse living in dwarf bamboo community北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests29-Nov-2002
articleSAITOH, Takashi; TAKAHASHI, KenichiThe Role of Vole Populations in Prevalence of the Parasite (Echinococcus multilocularis) in Foxes-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleSTENSETH, Nils Chr.; BJØRNSTAD, Ottar N.; SAITOH, TakashiSeasonal Forcing on the Dynamics of Clethrionomys rufocanus: Modeling Geographic Gradients in Population Dynamics-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleStenseth, Nils Chr.; Saitoh, TakashiSo, what do we know and what do we need to know more about the population ecology of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus?-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleSTENSETH, Nils Chr.; SAITOH, Takashi; YOCCOZ, Nigel G.Frontiers in Population Ecology of Microtine Rodents : a Pluralistic Approach to the Study of Population Ecology-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleYOCCOZ, Nigel G.; NAKATA, Keisuke; STENSETH, Nils Chr.; SAITOH, TakashiThe Demography of Clethrionomys rufocanus: from Mathematical and Statistical Models to Further Field Studies-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleBJØRNSTAD, Ottar N.; STENSETH, Nils Chr.; SAITOH, Takashi; LINGJÆRDE, Ole Chr.Mapping the Regional Transition to Cyclicity in Clethrionomys rufocanus: Spectral Densities and Functional Data Analysis-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleISHIBASHI, Yasuyuki; SAITOH, Takashi; KAWATA, MasakadoSocial Organization of the Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus and its Demographic and Genetic Consequences: a Review-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleSAITOH, Takashi; STENSETH, Nils Chr.; BJØRNSTAD, Ottar N.The Population Dynamics of the Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, Japan-Researches on population ecology-1998
articleKANEKO, Yukibumi; NAKATA, Keisuke; SAITOH, Takashi; STENSETH, Nils Chr.; BJØRNSTAD, Ottar N.The Biology of the Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus: a Review-Researches on population ecology-1998
bulletin (article)石城, 謙吉; 楠本, 義治; 市瀬, 克也; 斉藤, 隆クマゲラのヒナの外部形態と繁殖生態に関する記載Reproductive and Morphological Description on a Family of Black Woodpecker北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYFeb-1987
bulletin (article)斉藤, 隆; 肥後, 睦輝; 榊原, 茂樹異なる垂直的営巣環境におけるムクドリSturnus cineraceus Temminckの繁殖成績とヒナの生長Nestling Survival and Growth of Grey Starlings (Sturnus cineraceus Temminck) in Nest Boxes Set at Different Heights and Directions北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYSep-1985
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20


Hokkaido University