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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Sakata, Yoshitaka; Imai, Toshikazu; Ikeda, Ryuji; Nishigaki, MakotoAnalysis of partially penetrating slug tests in a stratified formation by alternating piezometer and tube methods-Journal of Hydrology-Sep-2015
article (author version)Sakata, Yoshitaka; Ikeda, RyujiDepth dependence and exponential models of permeability in alluvial-fan gravel deposits-Hydrogeology Journal-Jun-2013
article (author version)Sakata, Yoshitaka; Baran, Gur; Suzuki, Teruhiko; Chikita, Kazuhisa A.Estimate of river seepage by conditioning downward groundwater flow in the Toyohira River alluvial fan, Japan-Hydrological sciences journalJournal des sciences hydrologiquesJul-2016
theses (doctoral)Sakata, YoshitakaGeostatistical Reservoir Modeling of Trending Heterogeneity Specified in Focused Recharge Zone : A Case Study of Toyohira River Alluvial Fan, Sapporo, Japan伏没涵養帯に着目した帯水層の漸移異質性に関する地球統計学的モデリング : 豊平川扇状地を例として--25-Mar-2013
articleChikita, Kazuhisa; Ochiai, Yasuhiro; Oyagi, Hideo; Sakata, YoshitakaGeothermal Linkage between a Hydrothermal Pond and a Deep Lake: Kuttara Volcano, Japan-Hydrology-Mar-2019
article (author version)Sakata, YoshitakaHeat as a Tracer for Examining Depth-Decaying Permeability in Gravel Deposits-Groundwater-Apr-2015
article (author version)Chikita, Kazuhisa A.; Uyehara, Hiroyuki; Al Mamun, Abdullah; Umgiesser, Georg; Iwasaka, Wataru; Hossain, Md Motaleb; Sakata, YoshitakaWater and heat budgets in a coastal lagoon controlled by groundwater outflow to the ocean-Limnology-Aug-2015
bulletin (article)阪田, 義隆; 池田, 隆司扇状地の地下水シミュレーションにおける高解像度モデルの有効性Effectiveness of a high resolution model on groundwater simulation in an alluvial fan北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University19-Mar-2012
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University