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bulletin (article)Seki, Nobuhiro; Fukusako, Shoichiro; Tanaka, MakotoConvective Instability in a Porous Medium Heated From Below-北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University30-Aug-1976
proceedingsTanaka, Makoto; Yoshimizu, Mamoru; Kimura, TakahisaHerpesvirus Infection of Salmonid Fish---1992
article田中, 真; 吉水, 守; 木村, 喬久OMV感染RTG-2細胞およびサケ O. keta 肝細胞の超微構造Ultrastructures of OMV infected RTG-2 cells and hepatocytes of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific FisheriesJan-1987
article吉水, 守; 田中, 真; 木村, 喬久OMV感染耐過魚に発現した腫瘍の組織学的研究Histopathological Study of Tumors Induced by Oncorhynchus masou virus (OMV) Infection魚病研究Fish pathologyJun-1988
articleYoshimizu, Mamoru; Tanaka, Makoto; Kimura, TakahisaOncorhynchus masou virus (OMV) : Incidence of Tumor Development among Experimentally Infected Representative Salmonid Species-魚病研究Fish pathologyMar-1987
articleTanaka, Makoto; Yoshimizu, Mamoru; Kimura, TakahisaOncorhynchus masou virus : Pathological Changes in Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou), Chum Salmon (O. keta) and Coho Salmon (O. kisutch) Fry Infected with OMV by Immersion MethodOncorhynchus masou virus (OMV) 人工感染ヤマベ,シロサケおよびギンマスの病理組織学的所見日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific FisheriesMar-1984
articleKfoury, Jose Roberto, Jr.; Okamoto, Nobuaki; Tanaka, Makoto; Yoshimizu, Mamoru; LaPatra, Scott E.; Maita, Masashi"Rash" Skin Disease of Rainbow Troutニジマスの皮膚炎「ラッシュ」魚病研究Fish pathology15-Dec-1996
articleKimura, Takahisa; Yoshimizu, Mamoru; Tanaka, Makoto; Sannohe, HidetoshiStudies on a New Virus (OMV) from Oncorhynchus masou. I, Characteristics and Pathogenicity-魚病研究Fish pathologyMar-1981
articleKimura, Takahisa; Yoshimizu, Mamoru; Tanaka, MakotoStudies on a New Virus (OMV) from Oncorhynchus masou. II, Oncogenic Nature-魚病研究Fish pathologyMar-1981
article粟倉, 輝彦; 田中, 真; 吉水, 守サクラマスの寄生虫に関する研究 - IV 鰓に寄生する微胞子虫LomaについてStudies on parasites of masu salmon,Oncorhynchus masou - IV Loma sp. (Protozoa : Microsporea) found in the gills水産孵化場研究報告-12-Dec-1982
article木村, 喬久; 吉水, 守; 田中, 真サケ科魚類の稚仔魚期におけるOMV感受性魚令と魚種間による相違Susceptibility of Different Fry Stages of Representative Salmonid Species to Oncorhynchus masou virus (OMV)魚病研究Fish pathologyMar-1983
article田中, 真; 吉水, 守; 草刈, 宗晴; 木村, 喬久北海道に発生したリンホシスチス病についてLymphocystis Disease in Kurosoi Sebastes schlegeli and Hirame Paralichthys olivaceus in Hokkaido, Japan日本水産学会誌Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific FisheriesJan-1984
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Hokkaido University