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Biosynthetic Study of FR-900848: Origin of the Aminodeoxynucleoside Part

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Title: Biosynthetic Study of FR-900848: Origin of the Aminodeoxynucleoside Part
Authors: Watanabe, Hiroaki Browse this author
Tokiwano, Tetsuo Browse this author
Oikawa, Hideaki Browse this author
Keywords: FR-900848
antifungal agent
Issue Date: Sep-2006
Publisher: 日本抗生物質学術協議会
Journal Title: The Journal of Antibiotics
Volume: 59
Issue: 9
Start Page: 607
End Page: 610
Abstract: Biosynthetic studies of the antifungal agent, FR-900848, were undertaken by feeding experiments with D-[U-13C6]glucose, L-[4-13C]aspartate, [5,5-2H2]dihydrouridine and [5,5-2H2]dihydrouracil. The 5´´-amino-5´´-deoxy-5´,6´-dihydrouridine moiety was derived from ribose and aspartate. Based on the feeding experiments, a detailed biosynthetic pathway producing the aminodeoxydihydrouridine moiety of FR-900848 was proposed.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:理学院・理学研究院 (Graduate School of Science / Faculty of Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 及川 英秋

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