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Preparation of Cyclic Urethanes from Amino Alcohols and Carbon Dioxide Using Ionic Liquid Catalysts with Alkali Metal Promoters

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Title: Preparation of Cyclic Urethanes from Amino Alcohols and Carbon Dioxide Using Ionic Liquid Catalysts with Alkali Metal Promoters
Authors: Fujita, Shin-ichiro Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Kanamaru, Hiroshi Browse this author
Senboku, Hisanori Browse this author
Arai, Masahiko Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: cyclic urethane
amino alcohol
carbon dioxide
ionic liquid catalyst
alkali promoter
Issue Date: Oct-2006
Journal Title: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Volume: 7
Issue: 10
Start Page: 438
End Page: 450
Abstract: Several ionic liquids were applied as catalysts for the synthesis of cyclic urethanes from amino alcohols and pressurized CO2 in the presence of alkali metal compounds as promoters. A comparative study was made for the catalytic performance using different ionic liquids, substrates, promoters, and pressures. The optimum catalytic system was BMIM-Br promoted by K2CO3, which, for 1-amino-2-propanol, produced cyclic urethane in 40% yield with a smaller yield of substituted cyclic urea and no oligomeric byproducts. For other amino alcohols, cyclic urethanes, cyclic ureas, and/or undesired byproducts were produced in different yields depending on the substrates used. Possible reaction mechanisms are proposed.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 藤田 進一郎

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