Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
bulletin (article) | 黒岩, 大助 | 過冷却雲中における雪の結晶の成長 : 特に微小水滴の役割について | Growth of Snow Crystals in Supercooled cloud. : On the Role of Minute Water Droplets | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 大野, 武敏 | クロロホルムに含まれる水の凍結に及ぼす電場の影響について | On the Effect of Electric Field on the Crystallization of Minute Water Droplets Suspended in Chloroform | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 田畑, 忠司 | 海氷の粘弾性係数の測定 | A Measurement of the Visco-Elastic Constants of Sea-Ice | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 石田, 完; 清水, 宏 | 積雪の通気抵抗(第1報) | Determination of the Air Flow Resistance Through Snow Layer Ⅰ. | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 藤岡, 敏夫; 木下, 誠一 | 雪橇の抵抗 Ⅲ. 模型橇の抵抗 | Studies on the Resistance of Snow Sledge Ⅲ. : Friction between Snow and a Model Sledge | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 吉田, 順五 | 遠心分離器による積雪含水量の測定について | A Study on the Determination of Liquid Water Content of Snow by Centrifuge | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 小島, 賢二 | 積雪層の粘性圧縮 Ⅰ. | Viscous Compression of Natural Snow-Laper Ⅰ. | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 木下, 誠一 | 衝撃による積雪の破壊 Ⅰ. | Break-Down of Snow by Impulsive Force Ⅰ. | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 田畑, 忠司; 鈴木, 義男 | 自記霧水量計の研究 Ⅱ. | Studies on Recording Fog Waters Ⅱ. | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 松村, 信男 | 霧水中のCl-Mg比について(予報) | On the Ratio of Cl-Mg in Fog Water (Prelminary Report) | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 大浦, 浩文 | 硬質塩化ビニール管の低温における捩り試験結果について | Torsional Test on a Pipe of Hard Polyvinylchloride at Low Temperature | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 楠, 宏 | 海氷中の塩素量の水平、垂直分布に関する測定 | Observations on the Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Chlorinity of Sea-Ice | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 鈴木, 義男 | 海面上にできる氷晶の観察 | Observations of Ice Crystals Formed on Sea Surface | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |
bulletin (article) | 楠, 宏 | 海氷研究の最近の発展 | Recent Advances in the Study of Sea Ice | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 30-Dec-1955 |