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Changes in the spontaneous calcium oscillations for the development of the preconditioning-induced ischemic tolerance in neuron/astrocyte co-culture.

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Title: Changes in the spontaneous calcium oscillations for the development of the preconditioning-induced ischemic tolerance in neuron/astrocyte co-culture.
Authors: Tanaka, Motoki Browse this author
Kawahara, Koichi Browse this author
Kosugi, Tatsuro Browse this author
Yamada, Takeshi Browse this author
Mioka, Tetsuo Browse this author
Keywords: Spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations
Ischemic tolerance
Oxygen and glucose deprivation
Neuron/astrocyte co-cultures
Issue Date: Jun-2007
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Journal Title: Neurochemical Research
Volume: 32
Issue: 6
Start Page: 988
End Page: 1001
Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s11064-006-9259-8
PMID: 17401678
Abstract: Spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations are believed to contribute to the regulation of gene expression. Here we investigated whether and how the dynamics of Ca2+ oscillations changed after sublethal preconditioning (PC) for PC-induced ischemic tolerance in neuron/astrocyte co-cultures. The frequency of spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations significantly decreased between 4 and 8 h after the end of PC in both neurons and astrocytes. Treatment with 2-APB, an inhibitor of IP3 receptors, decreased the oscillatory frequency, induced ischemic tolerance and a down-regulation of glutamate transporter GLT-1 contributing to the increase in the extracellular glutamate during ischemia. The expression of GLT-1 is known to be up-regulated by PACAP. Treatment with PACAP38 increased the oscillatory frequency, and antagonized both the PC-induced down-regulation of GLT-1 and ischemic tolerance. These results suggested that the PC suppressed the spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations regulating the gene expressions of various proteins, especially of astrocytic GLT-1, for the development of the PC-induced ischemic tolerance.
Rights: The original publication is available at
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:情報科学院・情報科学研究院 (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / Faculty of Information Science and Technology) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 河原 剛一

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