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Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education >
北海道大学教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University >

第26号 : [8]

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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)上杉, 重二郎ドイツにおける1921年3月行動の諸問題Einige Probleme der Marzaktion 1921 in Deutschland北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)布施, 鉄治社会機構と諸個人の社会的労働-生活過程A Study on the Change of Social Framework and the Social Labour-Living Process北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)山田, 定市農民的生産力の基本的性格:地域農業の展開とのかかわりにおいてA Study on the Character of the Productive Forces in Peasant Farming北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)菅原, 正和意識水準と誘発電位:Pro-sleep stage における誘発電位の減少Arousal Level and Auditory Evoked Responses:Diminution of Evoked Responses to Clicks during the EEG Stage of Pre-sleep北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)古野, 博明「戦後教育立法と教育行政の事務配分」School law and the division of functions among municipal,prefectural,and central goverument in post-War Japan北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)中山, 弘章戦後ベルリンの学校改革(1945年~1948年)に関する一考察A Study on School Reformation in Berlin(1945-1948)北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)木村, 純酪農地帯における挙家離農の実態と性格A Research on the conditions and characteristics of the whole family retirement from peasant farming in dairy areas北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (other)-正誤表-北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University