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Connecting the world's Children through Communication : Effects of the Letter Exchange Program on Mental Health in Japanese High School Students

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Title: Connecting the world's Children through Communication : Effects of the Letter Exchange Program on Mental Health in Japanese High School Students
Authors: Otake, Yuko1 Browse this author
CCC volunteer group Browse this author
Authors(alt): 大竹, 裕子1
Issue Date: 2-Nov-2009
Citation: Sustainability Weeks 2009 Opening Symposium "International Symposium on Sustainable Development -Recommendations for Tackling the 5 Challenges of Global Sustainability-". Session 3, First Hokkaido University Sustainability Research Poster Contest. 2 November 2009. Sapporo, Japan.
Abstract: BACKGROUND: There are diverse child problems in the world today. Children in developing countries are involved in adversities to live such as poverty, conflicts, child labor. On the contrary, Japanese children, especially youths, have mental health problems as depression, low self-esteem, apathy. Japanese pedagogical reports imply cultural exchange programs influence on youths' mental health and global friendship. However, (1) high traveling expenses allow few participants in current programs, and (2) no evidence of program effects has given. AIM: To develop a new program using letters and to evaluate its effects. METHOD: 29 program participants and 200 controls were collected through high schools in Sapporo (20 cases and controls were analyzed). Mental health (self-esteem, self-efficacy, QOL, and depression) were assessed by standardized scales before and after the program. RESULT: Statistical significance were detected in QOL(p<.01) and self-efficacy(p<.05) through t-test. DISCUSSION: The letter exchange program contributed youths' mental health and global friendship.
Description: Outstanding Performance Award in the Practical Initiative
Conference Name: Sustainability Weeks 2009 Opening Symposium "International Symposium on Sustainable Development : Recommendations for Tackling the 5 Challenges of Global Sustainability"
Conference Place: Sapporo
Type: conference presentation
Appears in Collections:北海道大学サステナビリティ・ウィーク2009 (Sustainability Weeks 2009) > 第1回北海道大学サステナビリティ学生研究ポスターコンテスト (First Hokkaido University Sustainability Research Poster Contest)

Submitter: 大竹 裕子

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