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行為を実演した記憶と想像した記憶の違い : ソース・モニタリング課題による検討

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Title: 行為を実演した記憶と想像した記憶の違い : ソース・モニタリング課題による検討
Other Titles: The differences between memoies of enacted actions and imagined actions : Investigation of source monitoring tasks
Authors: 加地, 雄一1 Browse this author
仲, 真紀子2 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Kaji, Yuichi1
Naka, Makiko2
Keywords: Subject-Performed Tasks (SPTs)
source monitoring
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: 日本基礎心理学会
Journal Title: 基礎心理学研究
Volume: 24
Issue: 2
Start Page: 162
End Page: 170
Abstract: The differences between memories of enacted actions and imagined actions were investigated by using two kinds of source monitoring (SM) tasks. Experiment 1 involved an internal SM task in which the participants were instructed to perform. imagine, or vocalize the actions described in sentences. They were then given a recognition test, and if they recognized a sentence they were asked whether they had performed, imagined, or vocalized it. In Experiment 2 an external SM task was used and the action sentences were presented by either a male or female voice. The participants were instructed to perform, imagine, or vocalize each sentence, and then took a recognition test. If they recognized a sentence they were asked which voice presented it. The results showed that in the internal SM task (Exp. I), there were fewer SM errors for the enacted condition than for the imagined condition. A difference was not found for these conditions in the external SM task (Exp. 2). These findings suggest that enactment, rather than imagining, facilitates internal but not external SM processing.
Rights: 著者の許諾を得て公開するもの
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 仲 真紀子

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