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雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc) : [510]

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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
research report千葉, 惠『信の哲学』の周辺 : 幻の最終講義他---18-Mar-2024
learningobjectChiba, KeiThe Faithfulness Project: Proposal & Theses---14-Feb-2024
article島, 絵里子2022年度第3回研究会「博物館のこれからを考える-現場の視点と共に-」開催報告-全日本博物館学会ニュース-31-Jan-2024
article島, 絵里子2023年度第1回研究会『触の祭典「ユニバーサル・ミュージアム さわる!めぐる物語」』見学会及び研究会 : 「さわる展示」の先にあるもの 開催報告-全日本博物館学会ニュース-31-Jan-2024
article千葉, 惠桝形山聖書講義 山上の説教における福音と倫理-方舟-Jan-2024
article (author version)Ogawa, Kenji; Matsuyama, YuikoHeterogeneity of social cognition between visual perspective-taking and theory of mind in the temporo-parietal junction-Neuroscience letters-11-Jun-2023
article (author version)Yang, Yuxiang; Yang, Huixiang; Imai, Fumihito; Ogawa, KenjiDistinct neural representations of hand movement direction between motor imagery and execution in the presupplementary motor area-Neuroscience research-Jun-2023
articleMiyazono, Kengo; Tooming, UkuImagination as a generative source of justification-Noûs-3-Apr-2023
article島, 絵里子スマートフォンがつなぐ博物館のコレクションと物語、そこから生まれる個々人の体験 : ファン・アッベ美術館『デリンキングとリリンキング展』でのSmartifyアプリ利用体験からSmartphones connect museum collections and stories to individual experiences : Experience of using the Smartify app for the Van Abbemuseum “Delinking and Relinking”博物館学雑誌The journal of the Museological Society of JapanApr-2023
articleMiyazono, KengoEpistemic Libertarian Paternalism-Erkenntnis-18-Mar-2023
article島, 絵里子感覚と博物館体験に関する文献調査からの考察 : 体性感覚に着目してLiterature Review on the Senses and the Museum Experience : Focusing on the Somatic Senses日本ミュージアム・マネージメント学会研究紀要Bulletin of Japan Museum Management AcademyMar-2023
articleSonobe, Yusuke; Yamagata, Toyoki; Yang, Huixiang; Haruki, Yusuke; Ogawa, KenjiSupramodal Representation of the Sense of Body Ownership in the Human Parieto-Premotor and Extrastriate Cortices-eNeuro-Feb-2023
article千葉, 惠桝形山聖書講義 平和をつくる二種類の正義 : 南原繁『国家と宗教』を手掛かりに-方舟-Jan-2023
articleKusanagi, Emiko; Takamura, Hitoshi; Hoshi, Nobuko; Chen, Shing-Jen; Adachi, MayumiLevels of Toxic and Essential Elements and Associated Factors in the Hair of Japanese Young Children-International journal of environmental research and public health-Jan-2023
articleHaruki, Yusuke; Ogawa, KenjiCardiac and Gastric Interoceptive Awareness Have Distinct Neural Substrates-eNeuro-Jan-2023
article (author version)Tsurumi, Shuma; Kanazawa, So; Yamaguchi, Masami K.; Kawahara, Jun-ichiroDevelopment of upper visual field bias for faces in infants-Developmental science-Jan-2023
articleKamatani, Miki; Miyazaki, Yuki; Kawahara, Jun I.Occlusion of faces by sanitary masks improves facial attractiveness of other races-Frontiers in Psychology-2023
articleMiyazaki, Masato; Ishikawa, Ken-Ichi; Nakashima, Ken'ichiro; Shimizu, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Taiki; Takahashi, NobuyukiApplication of the symbolic regression program AI-Feynman to psychology-Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence-2023
article池原, 優斗アクターネットワーク理論の「人工主体」研究への適用 : 画像生成AIの分析を例にApplication of actor-network theory to the study of "artificial agents" : Analyzing AI image generators as an example新進研究者 Research NotesJapanese Student Research Notes of Philosophy of Science2023
article島, 絵里子「ユニバーサル・ミュージアム―さわる!“触”の大博覧会」岡山巡回展プレ展示および 岡山県立美術館「暗闇WS‐さわって、はなして、みる」体験報告-全日本博物館学会ニュース-31-Oct-2022
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Hokkaido University