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Innovations in Porous Asphalt Quality Control for Cold Regions on the Ayabe-Miyazu Road in Japan

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Title: Innovations in Porous Asphalt Quality Control for Cold Regions on the Ayabe-Miyazu Road in Japan
Authors: ISHIKAWA, H. Browse this author
TAKAHASHI, S. Browse this author
NAKAI, T. Browse this author
MORIYOSHI, A. Browse this author
Keywords: asphalt
Asphalt pavement
porous asphalt
drainage asphalt
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: Aedificatio
Citation: Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium on performance and durability of bituminous materials and hydraulic stabilised composites, Leeds, April 1999, pp.653-662
Start Page: 653
End Page: 662
Abstract: Large proportions of recently constructed Japanese highways have been surfaced with porous asphalt wearing courses to improve skid resistance and reduce aquaplaning at high traffic speeds on wet conditions. As part of the drive towards improving the quality and hence durability of porous asphalts laid on Japanese highways, the 12.6km Ayabe-Miyazu road between Ayabe Junction and Miyazu-Ohe Interchange, which forms part of Kyoto longitudinal highway has been selected for construction new porous asphalt specifications. The new specifications have been introduced for quality control of the constituent materials, asphalt plant production, and field laying and compaction procedures. The new specifications for the Ayabe-Miyazu road are distinctly different from the conventional specifications, and include the following main innovations: Introduction of several testing methods for the acceptance of the materials, especially the binder type to be used in porous asphalt mixes based on pre-set limits to the properties at very low temperatures. a) Improvement of the heating system in the asphalt plant dryer resulting in greater control of the residual moisture content of the hot aggregates emerging from the dryer, b) Enhancement of the ability of the paver to maintain the temperature of the hot bituminous mix during laying operations by employing a special protective covering. or c) Employment of an infrared camera to monitor the variations in surface temperatures of the newly laid surfaces during construction thus ensuring uniformity of the surfacing being constructed.
Description: Original paper has been published as "Performance and Durability of Bituminous Materials and Hydraulic Stabilised Composites; Cabrera J.G. and Zoorob S.E.; ISBN 3-931681-31-9" by Aedificatio Publishers in 1999.
Conference Name: European Symposium on performance and durability of bituminous materials and hydraulic stabilised composites
Conference Sequence: 3
Conference Place: Leeds
Type: proceedings
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 森吉 昭博

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