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中国の都市住宅制度改革を機に建替えられた社宅団地における居住環境の課題 : 住まい方と自主的改修の実態に注目して

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Title: 中国の都市住宅制度改革を機に建替えられた社宅団地における居住環境の課題 : 住まい方と自主的改修の実態に注目して
Other Titles: ISSUES ON THE REBUILT COMPANY HOUSING IN THE SITUATION OF THE URBAN HOUSING POLICY REFORM IN CHINA : Focusing on residents' living style and the self reform
Authors: 湯, 璐璐1 Browse this author
森, 傑2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
野村, 理恵3 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Tangu, Lulu1
Mori, Suguru2
Nomura, Rie3
Keywords: Urban Housing Reform
Company Housing
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2012
Publisher: 日本建築学会
Journal Title: 日本建築学会計画系論文集
Journal Title(alt): Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering
Volume: 77
Issue: 677
Start Page: 1553
End Page: 1562
Publisher DOI: 10.3130/aija.77.1553
Abstract: Resulted from China's urban housing reform, company housing allocated in the past has been entirely separated from companies and become privately owned. The paper examines such housing, studying how the residents have altered the interior space, and discussing the existing issues with the living environment and influences of family changes on residents' living style. It is found that altering the interior has not improved the living environment. Instead, such housing will, with time, become inadequate to live in while residents' lifestyle and family status change. The paper asserts that such housing will prove problematic as continued residence into the future.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 森 傑

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