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Stress Analysis for Concrete Materials under Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles

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Title: Stress Analysis for Concrete Materials under Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Authors: Gong, Fuyuan Browse this author
Sicat, Evdon Browse this author
Zhang, Dawei Browse this author
Ueda, Tamon Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: Mar-2015
Publisher: Japan Concrete Institute
Journal Title: Journal of advanced concrete technology
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Start Page: 124
End Page: 134
Publisher DOI: 10.3151/jact.13.124
Abstract: Once ice forms in highly saturated concrete material, internal tensile stress will be generated and causes damage to the material, which is a serious problem for concrete structures in cold and wet regions. On one hand, each component (porous body, ice and liquid) should satisfy the compatibility of stress and strain, which has been discussed by the poromechanical theories. On the other hand, if some empty voids exist, the hydraulic pressure will release when liquid water escapes from the expanded area according to Darcy's law. Recent closed freeze-thaw tests on the saturated mortar showed a consistent tendency: as the number of freeze-thaw cycles (FTC) increases, the deformation changes from the expansion to the contraction. In order to make clear the physical and mechanical changes during this process, a more comprehensive hydraulic model is developed, which combines both the mechanisms mentioned above. The estimated strain behavior by this model is in a good agreement with experimental measurements, and also, it has good potential and is more flexible to be applied to different cases such as different saturation degrees and cooling rates. The permeability change can be also considered in this model as a reflection of frost damage level.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 上田 多門

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