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Automatically Choosing Appropriate Gestures for Jokes

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Title: Automatically Choosing Appropriate Gestures for Jokes
Authors: Hasegawa, Dai Browse this author
Sjobergh, Jonas Browse this author
Rzepka, Rafal Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Araki, Kenji Browse this author
Issue Date: Oct-2009
Publisher: AAAI
Journal Title: Proceedings of the Fifth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference
Start Page: 40
End Page: 45
Abstract: We examine the problem of automatically selecting gestures that are appropriate to use when telling a joke or a short story. Our current application of this is a joke telling humanoid robot that needs to be able to select natural gestures for arbitrary input. The topic is important because humans use body language and gestures, thus socially interactive robots should also be able to do so for more natural interaction. We asked evaluators to assign appropriate gestures from a set of gestures the robot can perform to 50 jokes from a corpus of jokes in Japanese. We then evaluated different methods for automatically selecting gestures on this data set. While human inter-agreement was rather low, indicating that this is a fairly difficult task and that some jokes have no obviously fitting gesture, the best method performs on par with humans and clearly outperforms the baseline.
Conference Name: Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference
Conference Sequence: 5
Conference Place: Stanford, California
Type: proceedings
Appears in Collections:情報科学院・情報科学研究院 (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / Faculty of Information Science and Technology) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: RZEPKA Rafal

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