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Graduate School of International Media, Communication and Tourism Studies / Research Faculty of Media and Communication >
国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies >
No.25 >

多義的なメディア見本市通信(Messrelation) : その成立と変質について

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Title: 多義的なメディア見本市通信(Messrelation) : その成立と変質について
Other Titles: An ambiguous Media Messrelation : On his emergence and change
Authors: 江口, 豊1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): EGUCHI, Yutaka1
Issue Date: 25-Oct-2017
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院
Journal Title: 国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル
Journal Title(alt): The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies
Volume: 25
Start Page: 75
End Page: 92
Abstract: The Messrelation is the first periodical printed news media. The handwritten news were already in the 16th. Century circulated in the vast middle and west Europe. But they still remain not printed and not of periodical nature. The so-called “Einblattdrucke”, fliers were also not periodical. In 1583 a humanist named Michael von Aitzing, from an Austrian aristocratic family published at first time a gathering of news of the last several months, however in his opinion a chronicle of the contemporary history. This ambiguity of the new sort of printing was retained several decades till in to the 17th. Century. After the emergence of a weekly newspaper 1605 in Strasbourg the Messrelation got more the third character i.e. the aspect of an almanac. The actuality and the periodicity were then the central features of other media like newspaper. The printing cities of the Messrelations as Cologne, Frankfurt, Leipzig and Basel had all the Protestant majority or were at least in a competing situation between the two churches. That could be a meaningful coincidence.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies > No.25

Submitter: 江口 豊

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