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Title: 酸化鉄系触媒による褐炭熱分解油の接触分解条件の検討
Other Titles: Catalytic cracking of pyrolytic oil derived from Loy Yang coal over iron oxide catalysts in steam
Authors: 園山, 希1 Browse this author
吉川, 琢也2 Browse this author
林, 潤一郎3 Browse this author
多湖, 輝興4 Browse this author
増田, 隆夫5 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Sonoyama, Nozomu1
Yoshikawa, Takuya2
Hayashi, Jun-ichiro3
Tago, Teruoki4
Masuda, Takao5
Keywords: 酸化鉄
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2010
Publisher: 日本エネルギー学会
Journal Title: 石炭科学会議発表論文集
Volume: 47
Start Page: 112
End Page: 113
Publisher DOI: 10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.47.0_112
Abstract: We carried out the catalytic cracking of pyrolytic oil derived from Loy Yang coal with an iron oxide catalyst bearing Ce, Zr and Al in a steam atmosphere. The durability of iron oxide catalysts was examined by powder X-ray diffractometry(XRD). Iron oxide catalysts required an appropriate amount of Ce, Zr and Al for the cracking of the pyrolytic oil in a steam atmosphere. The steam partial pressure of 87 kPa and the reaction temperature of 773 K were favorable to the durability of the iron oxide catalysts.
Description: 第47回石炭科学会議 (改質・処理・クリーン化(1)) No. 56 開催地: 長良川国際会議場 開催日: 2010/09/21 - 2010/09/22
Conference Name: 石炭科学会議
Conference Sequence: 47
Conference Place: 長良川国際会議場
Type: proceedings
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 増田 隆夫

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