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A Re-Examination of the Validity of the “Separative and Exclusive Conservation Model” : Insights from an Ethnobiological Study in Maluku, East Indonesia

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Title: A Re-Examination of the Validity of the “Separative and Exclusive Conservation Model” : Insights from an Ethnobiological Study in Maluku, East Indonesia
Authors: Sasaoka, Masatoshi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: human-modiied forests (HMFs)
separative and exclusive conservation model
Moluccan cockatoo
participatory transect survey
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2018
Publisher: IntechOpen
Citation: Tropical Forests, ISBN: 978-1-78923-563-0
Publisher DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76819
Abstract: This chapter aims to examine the validity and desirability of “separative conservation model,” a conservation model, which tries to separate human use areas from wildlife habitats to protect “intact nature.” In mountain areas of central Seram, East Indonesia, local people have created and maintained various types of human-modiied forests (HMFs) through arboriculture. Among them, some of damar forests and forest gardens are distributed inside the Manusela National Park in central Seram. Principally, the Indonesian national park management authority has adopted the “separative conservation model” and basically forbids local arboricultural activities for creating HMFs by cuting wild trees inside a national park. In this chapter, I irst describe how the locals have formed HMFs through arboricultural and how resources provided from those HMFs support local livelihood. After that, I describe local knowledge on behavior of a lagship species of Wallacea Moluccan cockatoo and its habitat utilization. Then, I evaluate how some types of HMFs function as habitats for the Moluccan cockatoo by analyzing transect survey data. Finally, I provide implications for future conservation and research.
Rights: Originally published in Masatoshi Sasaoka (August 1st 2018). A Re-Examination of the Validity of the “Separative and Exclusive Conservation Model”: Insights from an Ethnobiological Study in Maluku, East Indonesia, Tropical Forests Padmini Sudarshana, Madhugiri Nageswara-Rao and Jaya R. Soneji, IntechOpen. Available from: 10.5772/intechopen.76819
Type: bookchapter
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 笹岡 正俊

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