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Tetsu-to-Hagane 95(9)_ 629-635 (2009).pdf1.88 MBPDFView/Open
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Title: 過包晶鋼の鋳造γ組織に及ぼすTi添加の影響
Other Titles: Effects of Ti Addition on As-cast γ Grain Structure in Hyper-peritectic Carbon Steel
Authors: 土屋, 真悟1 Browse this author
大野, 宗一2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
松浦, 清隆3 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
磯部, 浩一4 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Tsuchiya, Shingo1
Ohno, Munekazu2
Matsuura, Kiyotaka3
Isobe, Kohichi4
Keywords: solidification
peritectic reaction
grain growth
grain refinement
carbon steel
phase diagram
CALPHAD method
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2009
Publisher: 日本鉄鋼協会
Journal Title: 鉄と鋼
Volume: 95
Issue: 9
Start Page: 629
End Page: 635
Publisher DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane.95.629
Abstract: Effects of titanium addition on as-cast austenite grain size in 0.2 mass% carbon steel cooled at 0.03°C/s has been studied. The average austenite grain size was reduced from 4.3 to 1.9 mm by increasing the titanium concentration from 0 to 0.13 mass%. Two different shapes of Ti(C, N) particles were observed in the solidified samples; one was a facet shape which were dispersed over the whole observation area and the other was a filmy shape, most of which were located on the austenite grain boundary. Thermodynamic calculations and EPMA analyses showed that the facet shaped Ti(C, N) particles crystallize at relatively high temperatures, while the filmy shaped ones form from the last solidifying liquid in the inter-dendritic regions at lower temperatures. The latter Ti(C, N) is considered to provide the grain refinement effect of austenite grain structure. The grain refinement effects of titanium are further discussed by comparing the results of 0.2 mass% carbon steel with those of 0.45 mass % one, which supports the substantial effect of the filmy shaped Ti(C, N) on the as-cast austenite grain structure.
Rights: 著作権は日本鉄鋼協会にある
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大野 宗一

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