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J. Jpn Inst. Metal 82(8) 314.pdf537.91 kBPDFView/Open
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Title: 過飽和Al-Mg-Si合金における固溶強化挙動
Other Titles: Solid Solution Hardening in Supersaturated Al-Mg-Si Alloy
Authors: 高田, 健1 Browse this author
潮田, 浩作2 Browse this author
金子, 賢治3 Browse this author
秋吉, 竜太郎4 Browse this author
池田, 賢一5 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
波多, 聰6 Browse this author
中島, 英治7 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Takata, Ken1
Ushioda, Kohsaku2
Kaneko, Kenji3
Akiyoshi, Ryutaro4
Ikeda, Ken-ichi5
Hata, Satoshi6
Nakashima, Hideharu7
Keywords: aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy
solid solution
tensile property
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2018
Publisher: 日本金属学会
Journal Title: 日本金属学会誌
Journal Title(alt): Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
Volume: 82
Issue: 8
Start Page: 314
End Page: 318
Publisher DOI: 10.2320/jinstmet.J2018015
Abstract: The yield strength and work hardening of Al-Mg-Si alloys are related to the concentration of solute atoms. This study was carried out to clarify the effect of two kinds of solute atoms on these properties in terms of a linear combination of contributions from a solid solution. Tensile tests were conducted with Al and with Al-0.62Mg-0.32Si, Al-0.65Mg-0.81Si, Al-2.4Mg and Al-4.4Mg (mass%) alloys in solid solution. Work hardening was analysed using the Kocks–Mecking model, yielding two parameters which indicate the storage and recovery of dislocations in the material. The yield strength could not be expressed as a linear combination of solute atom concentrations, but the amount of dislocation storage and dynamic recovery could be expressed as such linear combinations. In the high-strain region, the Kocks–Mecking model no longer applies, and the maximum stress at which the model failed increased with increasing concentrations of solute atoms. It is generally known that an interaction between strain fields around solute atoms and quenched-in vacancies can affect the yield strength owing to dislocation motion and that these atoms can retard the development of microstructure in high-strain regions. A linear combination of contributions from solid solutions is possible only for the storage and recovery of dislocations in the low-strain region.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 池田 賢一

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