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Analysis of the Transition State of the Carbon and Iron Oxide Mixture Activated by Mechanical Milling

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Title: Analysis of the Transition State of the Carbon and Iron Oxide Mixture Activated by Mechanical Milling
Authors: Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Ishii, Kuniyoshi Browse this author
Keywords: mechanical milling
active complex
entropy of activation
enthalpy of activation
transition state
iron oxide
Issue Date: 15-Dec-2004
Publisher: Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Journal Title: ISIJ International
Volume: 44
Issue: 12
Start Page: 1981
End Page: 1990
Publisher DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.44.1981
Abstract: In previous study, the extremely high reaction rate obtained by the mechanical milling has been reported. It was found that the phenomena were quite complicated and the many factors were affected on the reactivity. Among these factors, the crystal state of hematite and atmosphere (air and argon) during the milling were quite important ones. Milling of hematite and graphite mixture was carried out both in the air and in the argon. Rate constants for the reactions were obtained by kinetic analysis. The enthalpy ΔH* and entropy ΔS* of activation were estimated on the basis of transition state theory. The interpretation of ΔS* and ΔH* was performed to explain the effect of milling on the reactivity related to the milling conditions. The temperature of peak of reaction curve decreased with increasing milling time. The reactivity of the sample milled in the argon atmosphere showed higher reactivity than that milled in the air. The enthalpy ΔH* and entropy ΔS* of activation were obtained from experimental rate constants. The variation of ΔH* and ΔS* with milling time showed opposite tendency between the sample milled in the air and in the argon. It was considered that the active complex having loose bonding would form during milling in the air atmosphere. On the other hand, the active complex having a structure closed to the product (metallic iron) might form.
Rights: 著作権は日本鉄鋼協会にある
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 柏谷 悦章

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