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An Investigation of the Crystallization of a Continuous Casting Mold Slag Using the Single Hot Thermocouple Technique

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Title: An Investigation of the Crystallization of a Continuous Casting Mold Slag Using the Single Hot Thermocouple Technique
Authors: Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Cicutti, Carlos E. Browse this author
Cramb, Alan W. Browse this author
Keywords: mold flux
continuous casting
crystal growth
hot termocouple
TTT diagram
Issue Date: 15-Apr-1998
Publisher: Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Journal Title: ISIJ International
Volume: 38
Issue: 4
Start Page: 357
End Page: 365
Publisher DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.38.357
Abstract: The conditions under which crystallization develops in a mold slag must be understood in order to select or design a mold flux for use in the continuous casting of steels. In this paper, the crystallization of an industrial mold slag was quantified using a single hot thermocouple technique which, when combined with a video camera based observation system, allowed observation of the onset and growth of the crystals which were precipitated from the melt. The beginning of crystallization was determined by direct observation and the growth rate of crystals were measured by frame by frame image analysis of recordings of the progress of crystallization. Isothermal experiments were performed at different temperatures and a Time-Temperature-Transformation (TTT) diagram was determined for this industrial mold slag. X-ray diffraction of quenched samples was used to determine the type of crystalline phases that were precipitated. The TTT diagram was divided into two separate regions which corresponded to the precipitation of dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) at temperatures over 1050°C and of Cuspidine (Ca4Si2O7F2) at temperatures below 1050°C. The evolution crystal fraction was described by Avrami's equation. This work indicates that industrial mold slags are easily undercooled, that crystallization occurs throughout the melt, that crystals grow initially as equiaxed dendrites and that the onset of crystallization is a function of cooling rate and must be described by either TTT or CCT curves.
Rights: 著作権は日本鉄鋼協会にある
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 柏谷 悦章

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