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Safety of Germline Genome Editing for Genetically Related "Future" Children as Perceived by Parents

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Title: Safety of Germline Genome Editing for Genetically Related "Future" Children as Perceived by Parents
Authors: Ishii, Tetsuya Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Beriain, Inigo de Miguel Browse this author
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert
Journal Title: CRISPR journal
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Start Page: 370
End Page: 375
Publisher DOI: 10.1089/crispr.2019.0010
PMID: 31746634
Abstract: The social acceptability of germline genome editing (GGE) depends on its perceived safety, as well as respect for reproductive autonomy. However, it is doubtful that prospective parents sufficiently understand the risks of GGE. In the future, the use of GGE in specific situations seems plausible, as it offers couples potential means to safeguard genetically related future children from a serious disease and overcome infertility due to a gene mutation. Should GGE fail, however, some couples may be obliged to abort affected fetuses, or give birth to adversely affected children, which would be a tragedy. Some children might develop diseases later in life due to overlooked off-target mutations. Compounding this, some parents are unlikely to inform their offspring about the details of conception, hampering necessary follow-up. Prospective parents, scientists and policy makers should carefully discuss the safety implications of GGE for genetically related future children.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:安全衛生本部 (Office of Health and Safety) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 石井 哲也

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