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北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University >
第139号 >

中国における「国家レベルの学校教員研修プログラム」政策の実施状況と意義 : 教師教育の専門化と教育格差の是正の視点から

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Title: 中国における「国家レベルの学校教員研修プログラム」政策の実施状況と意義 : 教師教育の専門化と教育格差の是正の視点から
Other Titles: The implementation status of China’s National Training Program policy and its significance : focusing on the professionalization of teacher education and resolving educational disparities
Authors: 張, 揚1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Zhang, Yang1
Keywords: 教員研修制度
Teacher education
Teacher training system
National Training Program
Educational inequality
Issue Date: 24-Dec-2021
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院
Journal Title: 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要
Journal Title(alt): Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University
Volume: 139
Start Page: 125
End Page: 143
Abstract:  本研究では,中国における国家教員研修がどのような研修制度の枠組みにおいて構想され,プログラムづくりがなされたのか,また,いかなる方法によって実施されているかを解明したうえで,国家教員研修の実施が教師教育の専門化,また都市と農村間における教育格差の是正にとってどのような意義を持つかを明らかにすることを目的とする。本稿では次のような3つの課題に取り組む。第一は,先行研究に基づき,1980年代から現在までの中国における教員研修制度の変遷過程を整理し,教員研修システムにおける国家教員研修の位置付けを明らかにすることである。第二は,中央政府が公布した公文書と筆者が2018年11月に実施した現地調査で収集した資料に基づき,現在国家教員研修がいかなる仕組みのもとで行われているか,とりわけ農村地域における学校教員向けの研修プログラムの詳細を解明することである。第三は,教師教育の専門化と教育格差の是正の視点から国家教員研修の実施意義を考察することである。
 The purpose of this paper is to clarify the following three points. Firstly, examine China’s teacher training system framework in which the National Training Program policy conception was envisaged and formulated into a program. Secondly, analyze the process in which the National Training Program was implemented and the implementation status of National Training Program policy in China. Thirdly, clarify what the policy means for teacher education and the school system.  First, this study draws from previous research to outline how the teacher training system has changed from the 1980s to the present, then identifies the National Training Program’s role in this system in view of China’s teacher training system history. For example, the teacher training system in the 1980s was mainly aimed at getting trained teachers to “acquire an educational background that meets the nationally prescribed educational background”. Since the 1990s, the central government has built a training system based on the conception of continuing teacher education with the aim of encouraging teachers’ lifelong learning. Since the late 2000s, China has created an overall teacher training system that provides diverse education and training at different levels from schools to the central government.  In the second place, by drawing on official Chinese government documents promulgated by the central government from 2010 to 2020, and the information collected in the field survey conducted around November 2018, the author analyzes how the National Training Program is currently implemented, especially the training program for teachers in rural communities. National Training Program is divided into the “elementary, junior high and high school teacher training program (model example)” and the “midwestern rural middle-career teacher training program”. Each province or city can apply for training subsidy to the central government, make a concrete training plan based on the actual situation of local education, and invite teachers in each region to participate in the National Training Program.  Finally based on the analysis, the author discusses the implementation status of the National Training Program and what its implementation status implies in terms of the professionalization of teacher education and the attempts to reduce the educational inequality between urban and rural communities.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University > 第139号

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