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Diversity-Robust Acoustic Feature Signatures Based on Multiscale Fractal Dimension for Similarity Search of Environmental Sounds

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Title: Diversity-Robust Acoustic Feature Signatures Based on Multiscale Fractal Dimension for Similarity Search of Environmental Sounds
Authors: Sunouchi, Motohiro Browse this author
Yoshioka, Masaharu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: environmental sound analysis
content-based retrieval
feature extraction
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2021
Publisher: The Institute of the Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Journal Title: IEICE transactions on information and systems
Volume: E104.D
Issue: 10
Start Page: 1734
End Page: 1748
Publisher DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2021EDP7016
Abstract: This paper proposes new acoustic feature signatures based on the multiscale fractal dimension (MFD), which are robust against the diversity of environmental sounds, for the content-based similarity search. The diversity of sound sources and acoustic compositions is a typical feature of environmental sounds. Several acoustic features have been proposed for environmental sounds. Among them is the widely-used Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), which describes frequency-domain features. However, in addition to these features in the frequency domain, environmental sounds have other important features in the time domain with various time scales. In our previous paper, we proposed enhanced multiscale fractal dimension signature (EMFD) for environmental sounds. This paper extends EMFD by using the kernel density estimation method, which results in better performance of the similarity search tasks. Furthermore, it newly proposes another acoustic feature signature based on MFD, namely very-long-range multiscale fractal dimension signature (MFD-VL). The MFD-VL signature describes several features of the time-varying envelope for long periods of time. The MFD-VL signature has stability and robustness against background noise and small fluctuations in the parameters of sound sources, which are produced in field recordings. We discuss the effectiveness of these signatures in the similarity sound search by comparing with acoustic features proposed in the DCASE 2018 challenges. Due to the unique descriptiveness of our proposed signatures, we confirmed the signatures are effective when they are used with other acoustic features.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:情報科学院・情報科学研究院 (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / Faculty of Information Science and Technology) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)
国際連携研究教育局 : GI-CoRE (Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education : GI-CoRE) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

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