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Parameter estimation for heat transfer analysis during casting processes based on ensemble Kalman filter

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Title: Parameter estimation for heat transfer analysis during casting processes based on ensemble Kalman filter
Authors: Oka, Yukimi Browse this author
Ohno, Munekazu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Casting
Data assimilation
Parameter estimation
Heat transfer coefficient
Thermal conductivity
Issue Date: Mar-2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal Title: International journal of heat and mass transfer
Volume: 149
Start Page: 119232
Publisher DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.119232
Abstract: It is very important for production of casts with high quality to predict and control the solidification processes of the alloy. Heat transfer analysis has been utilized for understanding solidification processes. However, it is often difficult to obtain values of all input parameters such as thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient precisely. In this study, a parameter estimation method in heat transfer analysis is developed based on data assimilation. In the authors' previous study, the particle filter, a method of data assimilation, was applied to estimation of thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient in heat transfer analysis for mold casting, and its applicability was systematically investigated. It was shown that the particle filter is very effective in estimating these parameters. However, the particle filter suffers from a shortcoming called sample degeneracy which often prevents accurate estimation of parameters in phenomena of interest. The present study focuses on a different method of data assimilation called the ensemble Kalman filter and its applicability to the estimation of heat transfer coefficient and thermal conductivity is investigated based on twin experiments. It is shown that thermal conductivity and constant or time-dependent heat transfer coefficient can be accurately estimated independently with three and two cooling curves, respectively. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity and time-dependent heat transfer coefficient can be estimated simultaneously with high accuracy. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rights: ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大野 宗一

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