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Title: 札幌市真駒内地区における住民の環境に配慮した移動手段利用意図の規定因
Other Titles: Determinants of residents’ intention to use pro-environmental transportations at Makomanai district, Sapporo city
Authors: 水鳥, 翔伍1 Browse this author
大沼, 進2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Mizutori, Shogo1
Ohnuma, Susumu2
Keywords: 札幌市真駒内
Makomanai Sapporo
Pro-environmental transportation
Public benefit
Community attachment
Structure equation modeling
Issue Date: 27-Apr-2020
Publisher: 日本環境心理学会
Journal Title: 環境心理学研究
Journal Title(alt): The Journal of Environmental Psychology
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Start Page: 16
End Page: 25
Publisher DOI: 10.20703/jenvpsy.8.1_16
Abstract: 札幌市真駒内地区では,NPOなどの市民団体が環境に配慮した新しい移動手段の普及を目指した取り組みを行っている。本研究は地域住民がそれらを利用したいと思うかを明らかにすることを目的として調査を実施した。その結果,a) 環境問題の重要性の認知が高いほど環境配慮の責任感が高く,環境配慮の責任感が高いほど環境配慮の道徳意識が高かった,b) 利用意図を直接規定していた要因は環境配慮の道徳意識と社会規範評価および便益評価であり,費用評価と実行可能性評価の効果は有意でなかった,c) 地域愛着は行動意図との相関係数は正であったものの直接効果は負であった。新規移動手段導入の際には社会規範や社会的便益に注目させることが住民の利用を促すと示唆される。
This study conducted a questionnaire survey to examine whether residents of Makomanai district, Sapporo city intended to use the pro-environmental transportations, which local NPOs and citizen groups consider to install in the area. The results revealed that a) awareness of the consequences of environmental problems had a positive effect on ascribed responsibility, and ascribed responsibility had a positive effect on moral obligation, b) moral obligation, perceived social norms and public benefit evaluation had positive direct effects on the intention to use the pro-environmental transportations, whereas the effects of cost evaluation and perceived behavioral control were not significant, and c) although community attachment correlated with the intention, it had a negative direct effect. The present study implies that it would be effective to emphasize social norms and public benefits of the pro-environmental transportations in order to nudge residents to use them.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大沼 進

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