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賛否二分法を越えた折衷案の受容とその規定因としての手続き的公正 : ノイス市におけるトラムの事例調査

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Title: 賛否二分法を越えた折衷案の受容とその規定因としての手続き的公正 : ノイス市におけるトラムの事例調査
Other Titles: Acceptance of a compromised decision beyond dichotomy and procedural fairness as its determinants : a case study of tram in Neuss
Authors: 大沼, 進1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
広瀬, 幸雄2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
杉浦, 淳吉3 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Ohnuma, Susumu1
Hirose, Yukio2
Sugiura, Junkichi3
Keywords: Public acceptance
Procedural fairness
Value similarity
Issue Date: Mar-2019
Publisher: 関西大学社会安全研究センター
Journal Title: 社会安全学研究
Journal Title(alt): Journal of Societal Safety Sciences
Volume: 9
Start Page: 89
End Page: 101
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of value similarity and procedural fairness of citizen participation on public acceptance of environmental policy decision in a case study of the tram system in Neuss city, Germany. We carried out a case study investigating the tram system in the city center of Neuss. In Neuss, the street in the city center was too narrow and dangerous because the trams went through the main street. There was a big controversial debate of whether the tram should remain or be removed from there. After a decade of discussion, the city mayor had decided the tram line to become a single track from double track on the section of the city center. To investigate how residents evaluate the decision process and to explore what factors influence people’s acceptance of the decision, a mail-out survey was conducted in Neuss. We differentiated the acceptance of single track, which is a compromised resolution reflected both opinions, from approval of remain/remove the tram system, which is a dichotomy. Results showed that a) when the acceptance was a dependent variable, both value similarity and procedural fairness had effects on the acceptance, while b) when approval was a dependent variable, value similarity had a stronger effect, but procedural fairness had a weaker effect. These results indicated that discussion framework focusing on the controversy as dichotomy might blindfold many values, on the contrary, the compromise between both sides might turn their attention to diverse values causing evaluation of procedural fairness to become more significant.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大沼 進

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