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合意形成ゲーム「市民プロフィール」の開発 : ドイツ・ノイス市の都市政策の社会調査事例から

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Title: 合意形成ゲーム「市民プロフィール」の開発 : ドイツ・ノイス市の都市政策の社会調査事例から
Other Titles: Development of Consensus Building Game Citizen’s Profiles : a case study of city planning based on a social survey in Neuss city, Germany
Authors: 杉浦, 淳吉1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
大沼, 進2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
広瀬, 幸雄3 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Sugiura, Junkichi1
Ohnuma, Susumu2
Hirose, Yukio3
Keywords: 政策決定過程
Policy decision process
Conflict of opinions
Consensus building
Multi-attribute attitude models
Issue Date: 25-Jun-2021
Publisher: NPO法人 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会
Journal Title: シミュレーション&ゲーミング
Volume: 31
Issue: 1
Start Page: 27
End Page: 37
Publisher DOI: 10.32165/jasag.31.1_27
Abstract: 本研究では,論争のある社会問題について当事者の選好を参照しながら意思決定を行うことを通じて政策決定とその評価の熟慮のプロセスについて学ぶゲーミング・シミュレーションを開発した.ドイツのノイス市における路面電車に関する問題について取り上げた.ノイス市では,中心地の狭い通りを走る路面電車の路線について,市民の利便性の点から存続させるか,安全性などの点から撤去するかの論争があった.開発したゲームの実践において,参加者は,最初に路面電車の問題の背景について講義を受けた後,2~5名からなるグループごとに,2009年にノイス市で実施された社会調査をもとに作成された市民のプロフィールカード3名分を参照しながら6つある論点について優先順位をつけ,3つの選択肢(存続,単線化,撤去)から1つを選んだ.特定の価値だけでなく,市民全体の価値の意見分布に関する熟考を促すために,個々のプレーヤーの優先順位づけした論点がグループで選んだ選択肢と合致するほど得点は高くなるようにした.ゲーム後のディブリーフィングでは,各グループの選択と得点結果を実際のノイス市での政策決定と比較しながら議論した.振り返りの結果から,各自の優先順位と市民プロフィールをもとに議論し,市民全体の意見分布も加味して多様な価値をバランスよく取り入れることで利害対立を避けることができていたプレーヤーほど得点は高くなっていた.最後に,実際の当事者の意見を参照しながら意思決定を行う本ゲーミングの応用可能性について議論した.
This study developed a gaming simulation to learn a deliberative process of policy decisions and their evaluation by referring to stakeholders’ preferences in relation to a controversial issue in their community so as to arrive at a consensus. The content of the game referred to a tram system in Neuss city in Germany. There was a controversial debate on whether the tramline located in a narrow street of Neuss city center should be kept for citizens’ convenience or removed for their safety. In the game, after being provided with the background of the tram system in Neuss, players prioritized which of the six issues were important by referring to three citizen’s profile cards that reflected the results of a social survey conducted in Neuss in 2009. Thereafter, the players of small groups consisted of 2 to 5 decided which of the three options (the tram should be remove/remain/single track) to choose. Each player got a score based on whether his/her priority matched the group’s decision to promote deliberation on the opinion distribution of values not only for specific benefits but for the whole citizens. After the game, the players had a debriefing session during which they discussed the results of the decisions of the small groups and compared them to the consequences of the policy decisions that had been taken in Neuss. The results revealed that the players’ scores were based on their ability to discuss citizen profiles and their own opinion and to adjust their interests according to accept various values and views of the whole citizens. Finally, the applicability of this gaming simulation in decision making with reference to actual stakeholder opinions was discussed.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大沼 進

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