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Psychological and Demographical Determinants of Adopting Expensive Energy-efficient Facilities in Households

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Title: Psychological and Demographical Determinants of Adopting Expensive Energy-efficient Facilities in Households
Authors: Ohnuma, Susumu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Kuwayama, Risa Browse this author
Kobayashi, Tsubasa Browse this author
Keywords: energy-efficient facilities
self-regulated stage model of behavioral change
implementation intention
Issue Date: 8-Oct-2021
Publisher: Center for Environmental Information Science
Journal Title: Journal of Environmental Information Science
Volume: 2021
Issue: 1
Start Page: 37
End Page: 48
Publisher DOI: 10.11492/ceispapersen.2021.1_37
Abstract: This study explores the psychological determinants of the adoption of expensive energy-efficient facilities in households. Demographic factors, such as household yearly income and type of dwelling, have been considered the primary factors that account for the variance in adoption. However, this study demonstrates that psychological variables are more relevant than demographics to the adoption of expensive energy-saving facilities by employing a self-regulated stage model of behavioral change (SSBC; Bamberg, 2013a, b). The SSBC assumes an implementation intention between behavioral intention and behavior. We administered a web survey in Hokkaido, Japan (n = 312). A quota sampling method was used, and we obtained 312 valid responses. The results revealed that a) the implementation intention was the strongest predictor of adopting energy-saving facilities, b) behavioral intentions did not predict adoption directly but did so indirectly through the mediation of implementation intentions, and c) demographic factors such as type of dwelling and presence of homemakers also predicted the adoption of energy-saving facilities, while household yearly income had no effect. These results suggest that the SSBC model, which was initially developed for habit change, is applicable to and useful for adopting expensive energy-saving facilities.
Rights: 著作権は社団法人環境情報科学センターに帰属します。また、社団法人環境情報科学センターに無断での複製等の利用行為は著作権法で禁止されています。
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大沼 進

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